S29JL064HA1 May 7, 2004
Pr el i m i n ary
General Description
The S29JL064H is a 64 megabit, 3.0 volt-only flash memory device, organized as
4,194,304 words of 16 bits each or 8,388,608 bytes of 8 bits each. Word mode
Data appears on DQ15–DQ0; byte mode data appears on DQ7–DQ0. The device
is designed to be programmed in-system with the standard 3.0 volt VCC supply,
and can also be programmed in standard EPROM programmers.
Standard control pins—chip enable (CE#), write enable (WE#), and output en-
able (OE#)—control normal read and write operations, and avoid bus contention
The device requires only a single 3.0 volt power supply for both read and write
functions. Internally generated and regulated voltages are provided for the pro-
gram and erase operations.
Simultaneous Read/Write Operations with Zero Latency
The Simultaneous Read/Write architecture provides simultaneous operation
by dividing the memory space into four banks, two 8 Mb banks with small and
large sectors, and two 24 Mb banks of large sectors. Sector addresses are fixed,
system software can be used to form user-defined bank groups.
During an Erase/Program operation, any of the three non-busy banks may be
read from. Note that only two banks can operate simultaneously. The device can
improve overall system performance by allowing a host system to program or
erase in one bank, then immediately and simultaneously read from the other
bank, with zero latency. This releases the system from waiting for the completion
of program or erase operations.
The S29JL064H can be organized as both a top and bottom boot sector
S29JL064H Features
The SecSi (Secured Silicon) Sector is an extra 256 byte sector capable of
being permanently locked by FASL or customers. [The SecSi Customer Indicator
Bit (DQ6) is permanently set to 1 if the part has been customer locked and per-
manently set to 0 if the part has been factory locked.] This way, customer
lockable parts can never be used to replace a factory locked part.
Factory locked parts provide several options. The SecSi Sector may store a se-
cure, random 16 byte ESN (Electronic Serial Number), customer code
(programmed through Spansion programming services), or both. Customer Lock-
able parts may utilize the SecSi Sector as bonus space, reading and writing like
any other flash sector, or may permanently lock their own code there.
DMS (Data Management Software) allows systems to easily take advantage
of the advanced architecture of the simultaneous read/write product line by al-
Sector Sizes
Bank 1
8 Mb
Eight 8 Kbyte/4 Kword,
Fifteen 64 Kbyte/32 Kword
Bank 2
24 Mb
Forty-eight 64 Kbyte/32 Kword
Bank 3
24 Mb
Forty-eight 64 Kbyte/32 Kword
Bank 4
8 Mb
Eight 8 Kbyte/4 Kword,
Fifteen 64 Kbyte/32 Kword