S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1990553, Issue 4
end-to-end source point, this alarm may not indicate a problem, as a
source point cannot expect to receive CC cells. In this case, the
COS_FIFO_EN bit in the OAM Confiiguration register may be useful for
suppressing these warnings.
CC_segment alarm
This bit becomes a logic 1 if no user, segment CC cell has been
received within the last 3.5
0.5 sec. This bit is cleared upon receipt of
a user cell, or segment CC cell. Segment CC alarms are declared only
if the VC is part of a segment flow (Segment_Flow = 1) or is a segment
end point (Segment_End_Point = 1)
This bit should be set to logic 0.
Table 11 Configuration VC Table Field
This bit must be programmed to logic 0 for backwards compatibility.
This bit must be programmed to logic 0 for backwards compatibility.
Identifies the connection as active. This bit is checked during the
S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 background processes to determine if the
connection is still active. It is the responsibility of the management
software to set and clear this bit during activation and deactivation,
respectively, of a connection. It is recommended to set this bit to
logic 0 until the search and linkage rows have been correctly
Cells received on a connection for which Active is a logic 0 will be
dropped, with an optional copy to the Microprocessor Cell Interface
if the InactiveToUP register bit is a logic 1. These cells will not be
counted by the Cell Processor.
When the NNI bit is logic 0, then the top four bits of the VPI are
considered to be part of the GFC field. As such, they will not be
used to verify the correctness of the search, and will not be
translated unless the XGFC register bit is a logic 1.
Count Config Select
This bit is used to address one of two possible combinations of
programmable cell counts. If this bit is a logic 0, the Cell Count
1[31:0] and Cell Count 2[31:0] are programmed from the Cfg1
settings in the Cell Counting Configuration register. If this bit is a
logic 1, the cell counts are derived from the Cfg2 settings in Cell
Counting Configuration.
When this bit is a logic 1, all Automated Protection Switching
Coordination Protocol cells are copied to the microprocessor. If the
APStoBCIF bit is also set to logic 1 in the Routing Configuration
Register, then APS cells are passed to BCIF instead of the
microprocessor. APS cells are also passed to the OCIF, unless
S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 is an OAM flow end-point and the APStoOCIF
bit in the Routing Configuration register is logic 0.
The LB_Route bits determine the handling of loopback cells.
Regardless of the setting of LB_Route, Loopback cells are always
dropped at flow end points unless LBtoOCIF is logic 1 in the Routing
Configuration Register. LBtoOCIF = 1 always causes loopback cells
to be copied to the OCIF, but does not otherwise affect the
functionality of LB_Route.
When LB_Route[1:0] = 00 then loopback cells will be dropped at
flow end points, but otherwise will be routed to the OCIF. This