S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1990553, Issue 4
Register 0x154: Defect Location Octets 15 to 12...........................................................260
Register 0x155: Per-PHY AIS Cell Generation Control 1...............................................261
Register 0x156: Per-PHY AIS Cell Generation Control 2...............................................263
Register 0x157: Per-PHY RDI Cell Generation Control 1..............................................264
Register 0x158: Per-PHY RDI Cell Generation Control 2..............................................266
Register 0x159: Per-PHY APS Indication 1....................................................................267
Register 0x15A: Per-PHY APS Indication 2...................................................................269
Register 0x160: OAM Loopback Location ID Octets 3 to 0............................................270
Register 0x161: Loopback Location ID Octets 7 to 4....................................................271
Register 0x162: Loopback Location ID Octets 11 to 8...................................................271
Register 0x163: Loopback Location ID Octets 15 to 12.................................................271
Register 0x170: Performance Management RAM Record Address, Word Select
and Access Control...................................................................................................272
Register 0x171: Performance Management RAM Row 0 Word 0 (LSW)......................274
Register 0x172: Performance Management RAM Row 0 Word 1 .................................275
Register 0x173: Performance Management RAM Row 0 Word 2 (MSW).....................276
Register 0x174: Performance Management RAM Row 1 Word 0 (LSW)......................277
Register 0x175: Performance Management RAM Row 1 Word 1 .................................277
Register 0x176: Performance Management RAM Row 1 Word 2 (MSW).....................277
Register 0x177: Performance Management RAM Row 2 Word 0 (LSW)......................278
Register 0x178: Performance Management RAM Row 2 Word 1 .................................278
Register 0x179: Performance Management RAM Row 2 Word 2 (MSW).....................278
Register 0x17A: Performance Management RAM Row 3 Word 0 (LSW)......................279
Register 0x17B: Performance Management RAM Row 3 Word 1.................................279
Register 0x17C: Performance Management RAM Row 3 Word 2 (MSW).....................279
Register 0x17D: Performance Management RAM Row 4 Word 0 (LSW)......................280
Register 0x17E: Performance Management RAM Row 4 Word 1.................................280
Register 0x17F: Performance Management RAM Row 4 Word 2 (MSW).....................280
Register 0x180: Performance Management RAM Row 5 Word 0 (LSW)......................281
Register 0x181: Performance Management RAM Row 5 Word 1 .................................281
Register 0x182: Performance Management RAM Row 5 Word 2 (MSW).....................281
Register 0x183: Performance Management RAM Row 6 Word 0 (LSW)......................282
Register 0x184: Performance Management RAM Row 6 Word 1 .................................282
Register 0x185: Performance Management RAM Row 6 Word 2 (MSW).....................282
Register 0x186: Performance Management RAM Row 7 Word 0 (LSW)......................283