S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1990553, Issue 4
The INVAL_PTIVCII bit indicates a cell with an invalid PTI or VCI field has been received.
When logic 1, the INVAL_PTIVCII bit indicates one or more F5 cells have the PTI field with
PTI=’111’, F4 cells with an invalid VCI field (VCI 7 through 15) or at least one VP Resource
Management cell has been received with PTI not equal to ‘110’. This bit is cleared when this
register is read.
The OAMERRI bit indicates one or more OAM cell with an incorrect OAM Type, Function
Type or Error Detection Code field (CRC-10) has been received. When logic 1, the
OAMERRI bit indicates one or more errored OAM cells have been received. This bit may
also indicate one or more Resource Management cell with an incorrect CRC-10 has been
received. This bit is cleared when this register is read.
The search error bit (SRCHERRI) indicates that a VPI/VCI search in the VC Table has failed
due to an improperly constructed secondary search table (i.e. the secondary search takes more
than 45 branches) or a parity bit error on the external SRAM (correlate with SPRTY[7:0]).
This bit is cleared when this register is read.
The Seg_CCI bit indicates that a Segment Continuity Check alarm bit in the VC Table has
changed state. When logic 1, the SEG_CCI bit indicates the Segment_CC_Alarm bit in the
VC Table has changed state for one or more virtual connections. This bit is cleared when this
register is read.
The END_CCI bit indicates that an End-to-End Continuity Check alarm (in the VC Table)
has changed state. When logic 1, the END_CCI bit indicates the End_to_End_CC_Alarm bit
in the VC Table has changed state for one or more virtual connection. This bit is cleared
when this register is read.
The SEG_AISI bit indicates that a Segment AIS alarm (in the VC Table) has changed state.
When logic 1, the SEG_AISI bit indicates the Segment AIS Alarm bit in the VC Table has
changed state for one or more virtual connections. This bit is cleared when this register is