S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1990553, Issue 4
Issue Date
Details of Change
Revealed COS_CC_DIS bit. Changed ATM_FIELD default to 0x00.
Documented the fact that micro accesses can take as long as 40 cycles (for a
read) or 90 cycles (for a write) in certain unusual cases. IBCIF and OBCIF
default to odd parity, not even parity. PHY and Link blocks should be left in
their default state when not being used. Typo to INSRST corrected. Direction
of OBCIF, IBCIF clocks in figures 5,6,7,8 corrected. INSRDY documentation
corrected to say that INSRDY stays high until a full cell has been written in.
Halfsecclk input pin description altered to point correctly to the gen_halfsecclk
bit. Documented the proper default state for the one-second CC, AIS, and
Failure counts. Updated Boundary Scan description to match BSDL notation.
Clarified that SDQ, PHY, and LINK interrupts are only asserted for interrupts
that are enabled at the TSB level. Clarified that min freq for icif_clk and
ocif_clk is 75 MHz, but that full bandwidth is only guaranteed at 104 MHz.
Block size of 1 in Bypass SDQ explicitly not supported. OBCIF dropped-cells
counter exposed, with a comment about the total BCIF capacity. VC_to_BCIF
documented with the overflow mechanism. RxPhy calendar now states that it
should be set to at least 64 entries, and preferably as close to 128 entries as
possible, for maximum efficiency. Clarified that LBtoOCIF also overrides
discarding due to LB_Route functionality. Clarified DLLRUN Bit functionality.
Deleted XferErrToUP function; parity errors and rlp_err/tpp_err indications
have no effect on ATM cells (beyond the assertion of an interrupt for a parity
error). Recommended that the FLUSH bit be set for all disabled FIFOs, to
eliminate spurious interrupts. Clarified that CntUndefOAM has no effect on
OAMERRI. Increased maximum secondary search depth to 18. Changed
PL3 loading to 30 pf to match the PL3 standard. Changed voltage rail spec. to
+/-5%. Clarified that FM_to_UP does not control loopback cells, since
LB_ROUTE does this. Added TM0 Details. Added thermal information.
Specified max power at 3.0 W. Input High Current respecified to
–15 uA/+650 uA on 3.3 V interface.