S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1990553, Issue 4
Pin Name
Pin No
(A) not used
(B) not used
(C) Start of transfer. RLP_SX indicates when the in-band port
address is present on the RLP_DAT bus. When RLP_SX is high
and RLP_VAL is low, the value of RLP_DAT[7:0] is the address
of the receive FIFO to be selected by the PHY. Subsequent data
transfers on the RDAT bus will be from the FIFO specified by this
in-band address.
In the case of a single-PHY interface, the RLP_SX bit is optional.
It may be tied low, in which case the Inbandaddr bit in the RxL
Configuration Register should be set to logic 0, and the PHYID
will always be assumed to be 0.
RLP_SX must be high only when RLP_VAL is low.
(D) Start of transfer. TPP_SX indicates when the in-band port
address is present on the TPP_DAT bus. When TPP_SX is high
and TPP_ENB is high, the value of TPP_DAT[7:0] is the address
of the transmit FIFO to be selected. Subsequent data transfers
on the TPP_DAT bus will fill the FIFO specified by this in-band
In the case of a single-PHY interface, the TPP_SX bit is optional.
It may be tied low, in which case the Inbandaddr bit in the TxP
Configuration Register should be set to logic 0, and the PHYID
will always be assumed to be 0.
TPP_SX is considered valid only when TPP_ENB is not asserted.
(A) not used
(B) Cell available. TPU_CLAV is asserted high in response to
TPU_ADDR if at least one cell, in addition to any cell currently
being transferred, can be accepted on the PHY specified by
TPU_ADDR. TPU_CLAV is updated on the rising edge of
TPU_CLK following the cycle in which TPU_ADDR is sampled.
(C) not used
(D) Polled PHY packet available. TPP_PTPA is asserted high in
response to polling on TPP_ADDR whenever the selected PHY
can accept another burst of (at most) 16 32-bit words. A PHY
may be polled while data is being transferred to it, and it will
indicate whether or not it can accept another burst of (at most) 16
32-bit words in addition to the current burst.
TPP_PTPA is updated on the rising edge of TPP_CLK following
the cycle in which TPP_ADDR is sampled.