7.3 Structure of 8-bit PWM Timer 1
PWM 1 Compare Register (COMR1)
The PWM 1 compare register (COMR1) sets the interval time for the interval timer
function. The register value sets the "H" width of the pulse for the PWM timer
s PWM 1 Compare Register (COMR1)
Figure 7.3-4 "PWM 1 Compare Register (COMR1)" shows the bit structure of the PWM1
compare register.
As the register is write-only, bit manipulation instructions cannot be used.
Figure 7.3-4 PWM 1 Compare Register (COMR1)
r Interval timer operation
This register is used to set the value to be compared with the counter value. The register
specifies the interval time.
The counter is cleared when the counter value matches the value set in this register, and the
interrupt request flag bit is set to "1" (CNTR 1: TIR = "1").
If data is written to the COMR1 register during counter operation, the new value applies from the
next cycle (after the next match is detected).
The COMR1 setting for interval timer operation can be calculated using the following
The instruction cycle time is affected by the clock mode, and the speed-shift selection.
COMR 1 register value = interval time/(count clock cycle × instruction cycle) - 1
r PWM timer operation
This register is used to set the value to be compared with the counter value. The register
therefore sets the "H" width of the pulse.
The PWM1 pin outputs an "H" level until the counter value matches the value set in this register.
From the match until the counter value overflows, the PWM1 pin outputs an "L" level.
If data is written to the COMR 1 register during counter operation, the new value applies from
the next cycle (after the next overflow).
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Initial value
W: Write-only
X: Indeterminate