Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change
Rev. E
M30245 Group
Interrupt Enable Flag (I flag)
The interrupt enable flag (I flag) controls the enabling and disabling of maskable interrupts. Setting this
flag to “1” enables all maskable interrupts; setting it to “0” disables all maskable interrupts. This flag is
set to “0” after reset.
Interrupt Request Bit
The interrupt request bit is set to “1” by hardware when an interrupt is requested. After the interrupt is
accepted and jumps to the corresponding interrupt vector, the request bit is set to “0” by hardware. The
interrupt request bit can also be set to “0” by software. (Do not set this bit to “1”).
Interrupt Sequence
The interrupt sequence, described below, is performed during the period from when an interrupt is accepted
to when the interrupt routine is executed.
If an interrupt occurs during execution of an instruction, the processor determines its priority when the
execution of the instruction is completed, and transfers control to the interrupt sequence from the next
cycle. If an interrupt occurs during execution of either the SMOVB, SMOVF, SSTR or RMPA instruction, the
processor temporarily suspends the instruction being executed, and transfers control to the interrupt
The processor carries out the following in sequence after an interrupt request:
(1) CPU gets the interrupt information (the interrupt number and interrupt request level) by reading
address 0000016.
(2) Saves the contents of the flag register (FLG) as it was immediately before the start of interrupt se-
quence in the temporary register (Note) within the CPU.
(3) Sets the interrupt enable flag (I flag), the debug flag (D flag), and the stack pointer select flag (U flag) to
“0” (the U flag, however does not change if the INT instruction, in software interrupt numbers 32
through 63, is executed).
(4) Saves the contents of the temporary register (Note) within the CPU in the stack area.
(5) Saves the contents of the program counter (PC) in the stack area.
(6) Sets the interrupt priority level of the accepted instruction in the IPL.
After the interrupt sequence is completed, the processor resumes executing instructions from the first
address of the interrupt routine.
Note: This register cannot be utilized by the user.