Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change
Rev. H
Serial I/O (3, 4)
M30222 Group
Table 1.44. Specifications of S I/O 3, 4
Note 1: n is a value from 00 16 through FF 16 set in the S I/Oi transfer rate register (i = 3, 4).
Note 2: With the external clock selected:
Before data can be written to the SI/Oi transmit/receive register (addresses 036016, 036416), the
CLKi pin input must be in the low state. Also, before rewriting the SI/Oi Control Register (addresses
036216, 036616)’s bit 7 (SOUTi initial value set bit), make sure the CLKi pin input is held low.
The S I/Oi circuit keeps on with the shift operation as long as the synchronous clock is entered in it.
Note 3: If the internal clock is used for the synchronous clock, the transfer clock signal output, when enabled,
Transfer data format
Transfer clock
Conditions for
Interrupt request
generation timing
Select function
Transfer data length: 8 bits
With the internal clock selected (bit 6 of 036216, 036616 = “1”): f1/2(ni+1),
f8/2(ni+1), f32/2(ni+1) (Note 1)
To start transmission/reception, the following requirements must be met:
- Select the synchronous clock (use bit 6 of 036216, 036616).
Select a frequency dividing ratio if the internal clock has been selected (use bits
0 and 1 of 036216 , 036616).
- SOUTi initial value set bit (use bit 7 of 036216, 036616)= 1.
- S I/Oi port select bit (bit 3 of 036216, 036616) = 1.
- Select the transfer direction (use bit 5 of 036216, 036616)
-Write transfer data to SI/Oi transmit/receive register (0360 16, 036416 )
To use S I/Oi interrupts, the following requirements must be met:
- Clear the SI/Oi interrupt request bit before writing transfer data to the SI/Oi
transmit/receive register (bit 3 of 004916 , 004816) = 0.
Rising edge of the last transfer clock. (Note 3)
LSB first or MSB first selection
Whether transmission/reception begins with bit 0 (LSB) or bit 7 (MSB) can be
Function for setting an SOUTi initial value selection
When using an external clock for the transfer clock, the user can choose the
SOUTi pin output level during a non-transfer time. For details on how to set, see
Figure 1.112.
Unlike UART0–2, SI/Oi (i = 3, 4) is not divided for transfer register and buffer.
Therefore, do not write the next transfer data to the SI/Oi transmit/receive register
(addresses 036016, 036416) during a transfer. When the internal clock is selected
for the transfer clock, SOUTi holds the last data for a 1/2 transfer clock period after
it finished transferring and then goes to a high-impedance state. However, if the
transfer data is written to the SI/Oi transmit/receive register (addresses 036016 ,
036416) during this time, SOUTi is placed in the high-impedance state immediately
upon writing and the data hold time is thereby reduced.
If an internal clock is selected, set the bit rate generator divisor (036316, 036716)
[It is not necessry to start transmit/receive. It is only needed for operation as
stops at the "H" state after transmission is completed.
With the external clock selected (bit 6 of 036216, 036616 = 0):
Input from the CLKi terminal (Note 2)
Therefore, stop the synchronous clock immediately when count reaches eight. If selected, the internal
clock stops automatically clocking the SIO channel.