M37920F8CGP, M37920F8CHP, M37920FCCGP
M37920FCCHP, M37920FGCGP, M37920FGCHP
is not
a final
to change.
The DMA (direct memory access) controller is a 4-channel controller
which provides high-speed data transfers from memory to memory,
memory to input/output ports of external devices (herein referred to
as external I/O), and external I/O to memory without using the CPU.
Figure 65 shows the block diagram of the DMA controller, Figure 66
shows the DMA control-related register memory map, and Figure 67
shows the bit configuration of the DMAC control registers L and H.
DMA transfers are performed by the DMA control circuit via the bus
interface unit (BIU).
Each of DMAC control registers L and H consists of 8 bits. For
DMAC control register L, bit 0 is the priority select bit, and bit 1 is the
TC pin validity bit. Bits 4 to 7 are DMAi request bits (i = 0 to 3). Read-
ing these bits indicates whether a DMA request for each channel has
occurred or not. For DMAC control register H, bits 0 to 3 are software
DMA request bits, and each of them is used to generate a DMA re-
quest by software. Bits 4 to 7 are DMAi enable bits (i = 0 to 3). The
DMA request is accepted only when the corresponding DMAi enable
bit is set to “1”. All of these DMAi enable bits are cleared to “0” after
reset removal.
Figure 68 shows the bit configuration of the DMAi control register (i =
0 to 3). Each channel of the DMAi control register consists of 8 bits.
Bits 0 to 3 are DMA request source select bits.
Bit 4 determines whether the edge or level sense function is to be
used for selecting a request source from pin DMAREQi (DMA re-
quest input). Bit 5 is the DMAACKi validity bit. When bit 5 is “0”, pin
DMAACKi (the DMA acknowledge signal output pin) is invalid; when
“1”, pin DMAACKi is valid.
Figure 69 shows the bit configuration of the DMAi mode registers L
and H. Each channel of both registers consists of 8 bits. Refer to the
corresponding section for more details.
Pin description
Pins DMAREQi, DMAACKi, TC are used for DMA transfers.
Pin DMAREQi is a DMA request input pin. Port pins P61, P63, P65,
and P66 are multiplexed with pins DMAREQ0, DMAREQ1,
DMAREQ2 and DMAREQ3, respectively. These pins are used in or-
der to request a DMA transfer from the external.
When the DMA request source select bits (bits 0 to 3) of the DMAi
control register are set to “0001”, the input signal from this pin be-
comes the DMA request signal. In order to use any of the above pin
as pin DMAREQi, be sure to set the corresponding bit of the port P6
direction register to the input mode.
Pin DMAACKi is the DMA acknowledge signal output pin. Port pins
P60, P62, P64 are multiplexed with pins DMAACK0, DMAACK1, and
DMAACK2, respectively. When bit 5 (DMAACKi validity bit) of the
DMAi control register for each channel is set to “1”, pin DMAACKi
serves as the output-only pin for signal DMAACKi. (DMA3 is not
equipped with pin DMAACKi.) During DMA transfer, the operating
channel acknowledge signal is output regardless of the data transfer
method (the 1-bus cycle transfer or 2-bus cycle transfer). When the
acknowledge signal is not needed, clear the DMAACKi validity bit to
“0”, so that pin DMAACKi can serve as an I/O pin.
Pin TC is a terminal count pin and is multiplexed with port pin P42.
Pin TC is valid when “1” has been written to bit 1 of the DMAC con-
trol register L. At this time, pin TC serves as the N-channel open
drain output pin. When the value of the transfer counter register or
transfer block counter is “0”, pin TC outputs “L” level for 1 cycle of
Furthermore, when the TC pin validity bit is “1”, any ongoing channel
DMA transfer can be cancelled by changing the input level at pin TC
from “H” to “L”.