M37920F8CGP, M37920F8CHP, M37920FCCGP
M37920FCCHP, M37920FGCGP, M37920FGCHP
is not
a final
to change.
Transmission is started when bit 0 (TEj flag: transmit enable bit) of
UARTj transmit/receive control register 1 is “1”, bit 1 (TIj flag) of one
is “0”, and CTSj input is “L”. The TIj flag indicates whether the trans-
mit buffer register is empty or not. It is cleared to “0” when data is
written in the transmit buffer register ; it is set to “1” when the con-
tents of the transmit buffer register is transferred to the transmit reg-
ister and the transmit buffer register becomes empty.
When all of the transmit conditions are satisfied, the transmit data in
the transmit buffer register are transferred to the transmit register,
and transmission starts. As shown in Figure 57, data is output from
TXDj pin each time when transmission clock CLKj changes from “H”
to “L”. (In the clock synchronous serial I/O mode, the polarity of a
transfer clock can be changed. For details, refer to the section on the
selection of the transfer clock polarity.) The data is output from the
least significant bit.
When the transmit register becomes empty after the contents has
been transmitted, data is transferred automatically from the transmit
buffer register to the transmit register if the next transmission start
condition is satisfied. The next transmission is performed
succeedingly. Once transmission has started, the TEj flag, TIj flag,
and CTSj signals are ignored until data transmission completes.
Therefore, transmission is not interrupt when CTSj input is changed
to “H” during transmission.
The transmission start condition indicated by TEj flag, TIj flag, and
CTSj is checked while the TENDj signal (shown in Figure 57) is “H”.
Therefore, data can be transmitted continuously if the next transmis-
sion data is written in the transmit buffer register and TIj flag is
cleared to “0” before theTENDj signal goes “H”.
Bit 3 (TXEPTYj flag) of UARTj transmit/receive control register 0
changes to “1” at the next cycle just after the TENDj signal goes “H”
and changes to “0” when transmission starts. Therefore, this flag can
be used to determine whether data transmission has completed.
When the TIj flag changes from “0” to “1”, the interrupt request bit in
the UARTj transmit interrupt control register is set to “1”.
When bit 2 of the UARTk transmit/receive control register 1 is set to
“1”, reception becomes enabled. In this case, when the CLKk signal
is input, the receive operation starts simultaneously with this signal.
The RTSk output is “H” when the REK flag is “0”. When the REK flag
is set to “1”, the RTSk output becomes “L”. This informs the transmit-
ter side that reception becomes enabled. When the receive opera-
tion starts, the RTSk output automatically becomes “H”.
When the receive operation starts, the receiver takes data from pin
RxDk each time when the transmit clock (CLKj) turns from “L” to “H”.
Simultaneously with reception, the contents of the receiver register
is shifted bit by bit.
(Note that, in the clock synchronous serial communication, the polar-
ity of a transfer clock can be inverted. For details, refer to the section
on the polarity of the transfer clock.) When an 8-bit data is received,
the contents of the receive register is transferred to the receive buffer
register and bit 3 (RIk flag) of UARTk transmit/receive control regis-
ter 1 is set to “1”. In other words, the setting “1” to the RIk flag indi-
cates that the receive buffer register contains the received data. At
this time, if the low-order byte of the UARTk receive buffer register is
read out, the RTSk output turns back to “L”. This indicates that the
next data reception becomes enabled. Bit 4 (OERk flag) of UARTk
transmit/receive control register 1 is set to “1” when the next data is
transferred from the receive register to the receive buffer register
while RIk flag is “1”, and indicates that the next data was transferred
to the receive register before the contents of the receive buffer regis-
ter was read. (In other words, this indicates that an overrun error has
occurred.) RIk flag is automatically cleared to “0” when the low-order
byte of the receive buffer register is read or when the REk flag is
cleared to “0”. The OERk flag is cleared when the REk flag is
cleared. Bit 5 (FERk flag), bit 6 (PERk flag), and bit 7 (SUMk flag) are
ignored in clock synchronous mode.
As shown in Figure 50, with clock synchronous serial communica-
tion, data cannot be received unless the transmitter is operating be-
cause the receive clock is created from the transmission clock.
Therefore, the transmitter must be operating even when there is no
need to sent data from UARTk to UARTj.
CTS/RTS separate select bit (Note)
0 : CTS/RTS are multiplexed.
1 : CTS/RTS are separate.
Must be “0”.
CTS/RTS separate select register
Note: Valid when the CTS/RTS enable bit (bit 4 at address 3416) = “0”.
Fig. 56 CTS/RTS separate select register bit configuration