Ver 1.4
7640 Group
1.19.7 UART Address Mode
The UART address mode is intended for use in a
multi-receiver environment where an address is sent
before each message to designate which UART or
UARTs are to wake-up and receive the message. An
address is identified by the MSB of the incoming data
byte being a “1”. The bit is “0” for non-address data.
UART address mode can be used in either 8-bit or 9-
bit character length mode. The character length is
chosen by writing the appropriate values to the UART
Character Length Selection Bits (LE1,0).
UART address mode is enabled by setting the UART
Address Mode Enable Bit (AME) to “1”. When UART
address mode is enabled, the MSB of a newly re-
ceived byte of data (that is either 8 or 9 bits in length)
is examined if a valid stop bit is detected and a parity
error has not occurred (if parity is enabled). If the MSB
is “1”, then the receive buffer full interrupt and flag are
set and AME is automatically cleared, disabling UART
address mode. If the MSB is “0”, then the receive
buffer full interrupt is not set. However, the RBF flag is
still set for this case. If a valid stop bit is not detected
or a parity error has occurred, neither the receive buffer
full flag nor interrupt is set and the MSB of the data is
not examined. Instead, either the framing error or par-
ity error flag is set, the error sum flag is set, and the
error sum interrupt is set.
While in UART address mode, the generation of over-
run errors is disabled after the first byte of data is
received. Therefore, when non-address data is re-
ceived without errors while in the UART address mode,
it is not necessary to read the UART receive buffer
prior to the reception of the next byte of data. Also, if
a framing or parity error occurs while in UART address
mode, it is not necessary to read the UxSTS prior to
the reception of the next byte of data. However, an
overrun error will occur if an address byte is received
and the UART receive buffer is not read before a new
byte of data is received. This is the case because the
UART address mode was automatically disabled when
the address byte was received. Also, an overrun error
will occur for the first byte received after UART address
mode is enabled if the preceding byte received did not
generate an error and the UART receive buffer was not
read, or the preceding byte did generate an error and
UxSTS was not read.