Data Sheet
Rev. D | Page 45 of 108
Table 43. ADC0CON MMR Bit Designations
Primary channel ADC enable.
This bit is set to 1 by user code to enable the primary ADC.
Clearing this bit to 0 powers down the primary ADC and resets the respective ADC ready bit in the ADCSTA MMR
to 0.
Diagnostic current source enable bits.
[00] = current sources off.
[01] = enables a 50 μA current source on the selected positive input (for example, ADC0).
[10] = enables a 50 μA current source on the selected negative input (for example, ADC1).
[11] = enables a 50 μA current source on both selected inputs (for example, ADC0 and ADC1).
This bit must be set high if the external reference for ADC0 exceeds 1.35 V. This results in the reference source
being divided by 2.
Clear this bit when using the internal reference or an external reference of less than 1.35 V.
This bit is set to 1 by user to set the PGA output common-mode voltage to AVDD/2.
This bit is cleared to 0 by user code to set the PGA output common-mode voltage to the PGA input common-
mode voltage level.
Primary channel ADC output coding.
This bit is set to 1 by user code to configure primary ADC output coding as unipolar.
This bit is cleared to 0 by user code to configure primary ADC output coding as twos complement.
Primary channel ADC input select.
[0000] = ADC0/ADC1 (differential mode).
[0001] = ADC0/ADC5 (single-ended mode).
[0010] = ADC1/ADC5 (single-ended mode).
[0011] = VREF+, VREF. Note: This is the reference selected by the ADC0REF bits.
[0100] = Not used. This bit combination is reserved for future functionality and should not be written.
[0101] = ADC2/ADC3 (differential mode).
[0110] = ADC2/ADC5 (single-ended mode).
[0111] = ADC3/ADC5 (single-ended mode).
[1000] = internal short to ADC1.
[1001] = internal short to ADC1.
Primary channel ADC reference select.
[00] = internal reference selected. In ADC low power mode, the voltage reference selection is controlled by
[01] = external reference inputs (VREF+, VREF) selected. Set the HIGHEXTREF0 bit if the reference voltage
exceeds 1.3 V.
[10] = auxiliary external reference inputs (ADC4/EXT_REF2IN+, ADC5/EXT_REF2IN) selected. Set the
HIGHEXTREF0 bit if the reference voltage exceeds 1.3 V.
[11] = (AVDD, AGND) divide-by-two selected.
Primary channel ADC gain select. Note, nominal primary ADC full-scale input voltage = (VREF/gain).
[0000] = ADC0 gain of 1. Buffer of negative input is bypassed.
[0001] = ADC0 gain of 2.
[0010] = ADC0 gain of 4 (default value). Enables the in-amp.
[0011] = ADC0 gain of 8.
[0100] = ADC0 gain of 16.
[0101] = ADC0 gain of 32.
[0110] = ADC0 gain of 64 (maximum PGA gain setting).
[0111] = ADC0 gain of 128 (extra gain implemented digitally).
[1000] = ADC0 gain of 256.
[1001] = ADC0 gain of 512.
[1XXX] = ADC0 gain is undefined.