IU (I/O Output Enable) Command
<I/O Settings> The IU command is used to dis-
able/enable I/O UART output. When enabled (IU
= 1), received I/O line data packets are sent out
the UART. The data is sent using an API frame
regardless of the current AP parameter value.
KY (AES Encryption Key) Command
<Networking {Security}> The KY command is
used to set the 128-bit AES (Advanced Encryption
Standard) key for encrypting/decrypting data.
Once set, the key cannot be read out of the mod-
ule by any means.
The entire payload of the packet is encrypted
using the key and the CRC is computed across the
ciphertext. When encryption is enabled, each packet carries an additional 16 Bytes to convey the
random CBC Initialization Vector (IV) to the receiver(s). The KY value may be 0 or any 128-bit
value. Any other value, including entering KY by itself with no parameters, is invalid. All ATKY
entries (valid or not) are received with a returned 'OK'.
A module with the wrong key (or no key) will receive encrypted data, but the data driven out the
serial port will be meaningless. A module with a key and encryption enabled will receive data sent
from a module without a key and the correct unencrypted data output will be sent out the serial
port. Because CBC mode is utilized, repetitive data appears differently in different transmissions
due to the randomly-generated IV.
When queried, the system will return an OK message and the value of the key will not be
M0 (PWM0 Output Level) Command
<I/O Settings> The M0 command is used to set/
read the output level of the PWM0 line (pin 6).
Before setting the line as an output:
1. Enable PWM0 output (P0 = 2)
2. Apply settings (use CN or AC)
The PWM period is 64 祍ec and there are 0x03FF
(1023 decimal) steps within this period. When M0
= 0 (0% PWM), 0x01FF (50% PWM), 0x03FF
(100% PWM), etc.
M1 (PWM1 Output Level) Command
<I/O Settings> The M1 command is used to set/
read the output level of the PWM1 line (pin 7).
Before setting the line as an output:
1. Enable PWM1 output (P1 = 2)
2. Apply settings (use CN or AC)
AT Command: ATIU
Parameter Range:0 - 1
Disabled -
Received I/O line data
packets will NOT sent
out UART.
Enabled -
Received I/O line data
will be sent out UART
Default Parameter Value:1
Minimum Firmware Version Required: 1.xA0
AT Command: ATKY
Parameter Range:0 - (any 16-Byte value)
Default Parameter Value:0
Related Command: EE (Encryption Enable)
Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.xA0
AT Command: ATM0
Parameter Range:0 - 0x03FF [steps]
Default Parameter Value:0
Related Commands: P0 (PWM0 Enable), AC
(Apply Changes), CN (Exit Command Mode)
Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.xA0
AT Command: ATM1
Parameter Range:0 - 0x03FF
Default Parameter Value:0
Related Commands: P1 (PWM1 Enable), AC
(Apply Changes), CN (Exit Command Mode)
Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.xA0