2.3. XBee/XBee-PRO Networks
The following IEEE 802.15.4 network types are supported by the XBee/XBee-PRO RF modules:
" NonBeacon
" NonBeacon (w/ Coordinator)
The following terms will be used to explicate the network operations:
2.3.1. NonBeacon
By default, XBee/XBee-PRO RF Modules are configured to support NonBeacon communications.
NonBeacon systems operate within a Peer-to-Peer network topology and therefore are not depen-
dent upon Master/Slave relationships. This means that modules remain synchronized without use
of master/server configurations and each module in the network shares both roles of master and
slave. MaxStream's peer-to-peer architecture features fast synchronization times and fast cold
start times. This default configuration accommodates a wide range of RF data applications.
Figure?06.  NonBeacon燩eertoPeer燗rchitecture
A peer-to-peer network can be established by
configuring each module to operate as an End Device (CE = 0), disabling End Device Association
on all modules (A1 = 0) and setting ID and CH parameters to be identical across the network.
2.3.2. NonBeacon (w/ Coordinator)
A device is configured as a Coordinator by setting the CE (Coordinator Enable) parameter to 1.
Coordinator power-up is governed by the A2 (Coordinator Association) parameter.
In a NonBeacon (w/ Coordinator) system, the Coordinator can be configured to use direct or indi-
rect transmissions. If the SP (Cyclic Sleep Period) parameter is set to 0, the Coordinator will send
data immediately. Otherwise, the SP parameter determines the length of time the Coordinator will
retain the data before discarding it. Generally, SP (Cyclic Sleep Period) and ST (Time before Sleep)
parameters should be set to match the SP and ST settings of the End Devices.
Association plays a critical role in the implementation of a NonBeacon (w/ Coordinator) system. Refer
to the Association section [next page] for more information.
Table?02.   Terms燼nd燿efinitions
Personal Area Network - A data communication network that includes one or more End Devices and
optionally a Coordinator.
A Full-function device (FFD) that provides network synchronization by polling nodes [NonBeacon
(w/ Coordinator) networks only]
End Device
When in the same network as a Coordinator - RF modules that rely on a Coordinator for
synchronization and can be put into states of sleep for low-power applications.
The establishment of membership between End Devices and a Coordinator. Association is only
applicable in NonBeacon (w/Coordinator) networks.