2.2.2. API Support
I/O data is sent out the UART using an API frame. All other data can be sent and received using
Transparent Operation [refer to p10] or API framing if API mode is enabled (AP > 0).
API Operations support two RX (Receive) frame identifiers for I/O data:
" 0x82 for RX (Receive) Packet: 64-bit address I/O
" 0x83 for RX (Receive) Packet: 16-bit address I/O
The API command header is the same as shown in the RX (Receive) Packet: 64-bit Address and
RX (Receive) Packet: 64-bit Address API types [refer to p58]. RX data follows the format
described in the I/O Data Format section [p12].
Applicable Commands: AP (API Enable)
2.2.3. Sleep Support
When an RF module wakes, it will always do a sample based on any active ADC or DIO lines. This
allows sampling based on the sleep cycle whether it be Cyclic Sleep (SM parameter = 4 or 5) or Pin
Sleep (SM = 1 or 2). To gather more samples when awake, set the IR (Sample Rate) parameter.
For Cyclic Sleep modes: If the IR parameter is set, the module will stay awake until the IT (Sam-
ples before TX) parameter is met. The module will stay awake for ST (Time before Sleep) time.
Applicable Commands: IR (Sample Rate), IT (Samples before TX), SM (Sleep Mode), IC (DIO
Change Detect)
2.2.4. DIO Pin Change Detect
When DIO Change Detect is enabled (using the IC command), DIO lines 0-7 are monitored.
When a change is detected on a DIO line, the following will occur:
Note: Change detect will not affect Pin Sleep wake-up. The D8 pin (DTR/Sleep_RQ/DI8) is the only
line that will wake a module from Pin Sleep. If not all samples are collected, the module will still
enter Sleep Mode after a change detect packet is sent.
Applicable Commands: IC (DIO Change Detect), IT (Samples before TX)
NOTE: Change detect is only supported when the Dx (DIOx Configuration) parameter equals 3,4 or 5.
2.2.5. Sample Rate (Interval)
The Sample Rate (Interval) feature allows enabled ADC and DIO pins to be read periodically on
modules that are not configured to operate in Sleep Mode. When one of the Sleep Modes is
enabled and the IR (Sample Rate) parameter set, the module will stay awake until IT (Samples
before TX) samples have been collected.
Once a particular pin is enabled, the appropriate sample rate must be chosen. The maximum sam-
ple rate that can be achieved while using one A/D line is 1 sample/ms or 1 KHz (Note that the
modem will not be able to keep up with transmission when IR & IT are equal to 1).
Applicable Commands: IR (Sample Rate), IT (Samples before TX), SM (Sleep Mode)
1.   An RF packet is sent with the updated DIO pin levels. This packet will not contain any ADC
2.   Any queued samples are transmitted before the change detect data. This may result in
receiving a packet with less than IT (Samples before TX) samples.