82845MP/82845MZ Chipset-Mobile (MCH-M)
APBASE – Aperture Base Configuration Register – Device #0
Read/Write, Read Only
32 bits
The APBASE is a standard PCI Base Address register that is used to set the base of the Graphics
Aperture. The standard PCI Configuration mechanism defines the base address configuration register
such that only a fixed amount of space can be requested (dependent on which bits are hardwired to “0” or
behave as hardwired to “0”). To allow for flexibility (of the aperture), an additional register called
APSIZE is used as a “back-end” register to control which bits of the APBASE will behave as hardwired
to “0”. This register will be programmed by the MCH-M specific BIOS code that will run before any of
the generic configuration software is run.
Note: Bit 9 of the MCH-MCFG register is used to prevent accesses to the aperture range before this register is
initialized by the configuration software and the appropriate translation table structure has been
established in the main memory.
Upper Programmable Base Address (R/W). These bits are part of the aperture base set by
configuration software to locate the base address of the graphics aperture. They correspond to bits
[31:28] of the base address in the CPU's address space that will cause a graphics aperture
translation to be inserted into the path of any memory read or write.
Default = 0000
Middle “Hardwired”/Programmable Base Address: These bits are part of the aperture base set
by configuration software to locate the base address of the graphics aperture. They correspond to
bits [27:4] of the base address in the CPU's address space that will cause a graphics aperture
translation to be inserted into the path of any memory read or write. These bits can behave as
though they were hardwired to "0" if programmed to do so by the APSIZE bits of the APSIZE register.
This will cause configuration software to understand that the granularity of the graphics aperture base
address is either finer or coarser, depending upon the bits set by MCH-M-specific configuration
software in APSIZE.
Lower “Hardwired”: This forces minimum aperture size selected by this register to be 4MB.
Prefetchable (RO). This bit is hardwired to “1” to identify the Graphics Aperture range as
prefetchable as per the PCI Specification for the base address registers.
There are no side effects on reads, the device returns all bytes on reads regardless of the byte
enables, and the MCH-M may merge processor writes into this range without causing errors.
Type (RO). These bits determine addressing type and they are hardwired to “00” to indicate that
address range defined by the upper bits of this register can be located anywhere in the 32-bit address
Memory Space Indicator (RO). Hardwired to “0” to identify aperture range as a memory range.