lanSC310 Microcontroller Data Sheet
The lanSC310 microcontroller is a highly integrated,
low-voltage, single-chip implementation of the
Am386SXLV microprocessor plus most of the addi-
tional logic needed for an AT-compatible personal com-
puter. It is ideal for embedded PC applications, such as
point-of-sale equipment, web appliances, industrial
controls, and communication equipment.
The lanSC310 microcontroller from AMD is part of the
growing lan family of mobile computing products,
which leverage existing AMD core modules. The
lanSC310 microcontroller demonstrates the feasibil-
ity of constructing highly integrated components built
from standard cores and getting these products to mar-
ket quickly.
The lanSC310 microcontroller does this by combining
an Am386SXLV low-voltage microprocessor core with
a memory control unit, a Power Management Unit
(PMU), and the bus control and peripheral control logic
of a PC/AT-compatible computer. For more information
about the A m386 mic r opr oc esso r s , s ee the
Am386SX/SXL/SXLV Data Sheet, order #21020 and
AM386DX/DXL Data Sheet, order #21017.
For more information about the lanSC310 microcon-
troller, see the
lanTMSC310 Microcontroller Program-
mer’s Reference Manual, order #20665.
The lanSC310 microcontroller includes a memory
controller that supports up to 16 Mbyte of DRAM,
Flash, or ROM; power management functions; a bus
controller that supports local or ISA bus; a serial port
controller that is 16450 UART compatible; a bidirec-
tional EPP-compliant parallel port; a 146818A-compat-
ible real-time clock; internal phase-locked loops for
clock generation; and standard PC logic chip functions
(8259A, 8237A, and 8254).
The lanSC310 microcontroller’s true static design
and low operating voltage enable battery-powered op-
eration and lower weight for embedded PC applica-
t i ons. T h e in ter n al cor e of t he lanSC 310
microcontroller operates at 3.3 V and the I/O pads
allow either 3.3-V or 5-V operation. Lowering typical
operating voltage from 5 V to 3.3 V can dramatically re-
duce power consumption.
Functionally, the lanSC310 microcontroller is a 100%
DOS/Windows-compatible, PC/AT-compatible com-
puter on a chip that is designed to furnish the customer
with a high-performance, low-power system solution,
providing state-of-the-art power management in a
small physical footprint.
The lanSC310 microcontroller is available in both 25-
and 33-MHz versions, in a 208-lead Plastic Shrink
Quad Flat Pack (QFP) (PQR package) and a 208-lead
Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP) (PQL package).
Note: Unless specified otherwise, the timings in this
data sheet are based on the 33-MHz version of the
lanSC310 microcontroller.
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