Appendix: MC68HC912DG128A Flash
Technical Data
MC68HC912DG128 — Rev 3.0
Appendix: MC68HC912DG128A Flash
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21.3 Overview
Each 32K Flash EEPROM array is arranged in a 16-bit configuration and
may be read as either bytes, aligned words or misaligned words. Access
time is one bus cycle for byte and aligned word access and two bus
cycles for misaligned word operations.
Programming is by aligned word. The Flash EEPROM module supports
bulk erase only.
Each Flash EEPROM module has hardware interlocks which protect
stored data from accidental corruption. An erase- and program-
protected 8-Kbyte block for boot routines is located at the top of each 32-
Kbyte array. Since boot programs must be available at all times, the only
useful boot block is at $E000–$FFFF location. All paged boot blocks can
be used as protected program space if desired.
21.4 Flash EEPROM Control Block
A 4-byte register block for each module controls the Flash EEPROM
operation. Configuration information is specified and
independently from the contents of the Flash EEPROM array. At reset,
the 4-byte register section starts at address $00F4 and points to the
00FEE32K register block.
21.5 Flash EEPROM Arrays
After reset, a fixed 32K Flash EEPROM array, 11FEE32K, is located
from addresses $4000 to $7FFF and from $C000 to $FFFF. The other
three 32K Flash EEPROM arrays 00FEE32K, 01FEE32K and
10FEE32K, are mapped through a 16K byte program page window
located from addresses $8000 to $BFFF. The page window has eight
16K byte pages. The last two pages also map the physical location of the
fixed 32K Flash EEPROM array 11FEE32K. In expanded modes, the
Flash EEPROM arrays are turned off. See
Operating Modes
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.