Resets and Interrupts
Technical Data
MC68HC912DG128 — Rev 3.0
Resets and Interrupts
9.2.1 Exception Priority
A hardware priority hierarchy determines which reset or interrupt is
serviced first when simultaneous requests are made. Six sources are not
maskable. The remaining sources are maskable, and any one of them
can be given priority over other maskable interrupts.
The priorities of the non-maskable sources are:
1. POR or RESET pin
2. Clock monitor reset
3. COP watchdog reset
4. Unimplemented instruction trap
5. Software interrupt instruction (SWI)
6. XIRQ signal (if X bit in CCR = 0)
9.3 Maskable interrupts
Maskable interrupt sources include on-chip peripheral systems and
external interrupt service requests. Interrupts from these sources are
recognized when the global interrupt mask bit (I) in the CCR is cleared.
The default state of the I bit out of reset is one, but it can be written at
any time.
Interrupt sources are prioritized by default but any one maskable
interrupt source may be assigned the highest priority by means of the
HPRIO register. The relative priorities of the other sources remain the
An interrupt that is assigned highest priority is still subject to global
masking by the I bit in the CCR, or by any associated local bits. Interrupt
vectors are not affected by priority assignment. HPRIO can only be
written while the I bit is set (interrupts inhibited).
Table 9-1
lists interrupt
sources and vectors in default order of priority.
Before masking an interrupt by clearing the corresponding local enable
bit, the I-bit should be set in order to avoid an SWI.
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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