Inter-IC Bus
IIC Register Descriptions
MC68HC912DG128 — Rev 3.0
Technical Data
Inter-IC Bus
MS/SL — Master/Slave mode select bit
Upon reset, this bit is cleared. When this bit is changed from 0 to 1, a
START signal is generated on the bus, and the master mode is
selected. When this bit is changed from 1 to 0, a STOP signal is
generated and the operation mode changes from master to slave.
MS/SL is cleared without generating a STOP signal when the master
loses arbitration.
0 = Slave Mode
1 = Master Mode
Tx/Rx — Transmit/Receive mode select bit
This bit selects the direction of master and slave transfers. When
addressed as a slave this bit should be set by software according to
the SRW bit in the status register. In master mode this bit should be
set according to the type of transfer required. Therefore, for address
cycles, this bit will always be high.
0 = Receive
1 = Transmit
TXAK — Transmit Acknowledge enable
This bit specifies the value driven onto SDA during acknowledge
cycles for both master and slave receivers. Note that values written to
this bit are only used when the IIC is a receiver, not a transmitter.
0 = An acknowledge signal will be sent out to the bus at the 9th
clock bit after receiving one byte data
1 = No acknowledge signal response is sent (i.e., acknowledge bit
= 1)
RSTA — Repeat Start
Writing a 1 to this bit will generate a repeated START condition on the
bus, provided it is the current bus master. This bit will always be read
as a low. Attempting a repeated start at the wrong time, if the bus is
owned by another master, will result in loss of arbitration.
1 = Generate repeat start cycle
IBSWAI — IIC Stop in WAIT mode
0 = IIC module operates normally
1 = Halt clock generation of IIC module in WAIT mode
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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