Enhanced Capture Timer
Enhanced Capture Timer Modes of Operation
MC68HC912DG128 — Rev 3.0
Technical Data
Enhanced Capture Timer
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215 Non-Buffered IC Channels
The main timer value is memorized in the IC register by a valid input pin
transition. If the corresponding NOVWx bit of the ICOVW register is
cleared, with a new occurrence of a capture, the contents of IC register
are overwritten by the new value.
If the corresponding NOVWx bit of the ICOVW register is set, the capture
register cannot be written unless it is empty.
This will prevent the captured value to be overwritten until it is read. Buffered IC Channels
There are two modes of operations for the buffered IC channels.
IC Latch Mode:
When enabled (LATQ=1), the main timer value is memorized in the IC
register by a valid input pin transition.
The value of the buffered IC register is latched to its holding register by
the Modulus counter for a given period when the count reaches zero, by
a write $0000 to the modulus counter or by a write to ICLAT in the
MCCTL register.
If the corresponding NOVWx bit of the ICOVW register is cleared, with a
new occurrence of a capture, the contents of IC register are overwritten
by the new value. In case of latching, the contents of its holding register
are overwritten.
If the corresponding NOVWx bit of the ICOVW register is set, the capture
register or its holding register cannot be written by an event unless they
are empty (see
IC Channels
). This will prevent the captured value to be
overwritten until it is read or latched in the holding register.
IC Queue Mode:
When enabled (LATQ=0), the main timer value is memorized in the IC
register by a valid input pin transition.
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.