Initiating a Connection
Connection Guidelines:
"   A remote mod
"   The base mod
"   A remote mod
"   A connection f
whatever cond
ule can only request a connection with the base module.
ule may hold off or grant a connection request to another module.
ule will not try to establish a connection if one already exists.
ails if no response is received after RR (Retries) CRP packets. After a failure,
ition was causing a connection to be established is cleared. If the c
was data to be sent, all data in the DI buffer will be flushed. If the condition was DI3
transition, then no connection will be attempted until another correct DI3 transition.
"   A global connection cannot fail. [Definition is on next page.]
Once in Multi-Streaming Mode (MD > 0), several events can initiate an exclusive connection:
1. Remote module has payload to transmit. After a remote module receives data from its host,
the module will at
ction is
tempt to establish a connection with the base module. The conne
defined by the rem
r. If another remote has a
otes D   (Destination Address) paramete
connection with th
til the connection runs its
e base,   o connection will be established un
course. Any remotes requesting a connection will then arbitrate for the next connection. RR
(Retries) and RN (Random back-off) parameters control this arbitration.
2. Base sets the DT (Destination Address) parameter. When the base module sets the DT
(Destination Address) parameter, an exclusive connection is immediately initiated with the
remote module that has a matching DT parameter. After the DT command is sent (If
ATCM=1), the base module indicates a successful connection with a CONNECT XXXX string
where "XXXX" is the remote's address. An unsuccessful connection is indicated with an
ERROR string. If the connection is successful, the module immediately exits AT Command
Mode and data can be sent to and received from the connected remote module. If an error is
returned, the module stays in AT Command Mode. If a base is connected to a remote when
the DT command is executed, the current connection is disconnected before a new
connection is created.
3. DI3 pin (pin 2, SLEEP) is asserted (set low). Both base and remote modules can create a
connection (defined by the current DT (Destination Address) parameter) when the DI3 pin is
asserted (driven high). DR (DI3 Configuration) Command is used to establish this mode. If a
remote asserts DI3, a connection request will be sent when no connection is active. If the
base asserts DI3, a connection will immediately be established with the remote after any
Initiating a Disconnection
o disconnect, the base module sends a DGP (disconnect grant
nly request a disconnect. The following conditions cause a disc
packet). A remote module can
1. No over-the-air data sent or received for CE (Connection In
activity Timeout) time. If no o
the-air data is successfully sent (no acknowledgement received) or received (any good
packet) for CE time, the connection will be dropped. Only a base module can detect this
condition. Refer to CE Command.
2. Absolute CB (Connection Duration Timeout). The CB param
ute timeout.
eter defines an absol
A timer is started on the remote units when a connection is established. When the
connection has been active for CB time, the base will close the connection. A remote that
detects this condition will automatically disconnect (it will n
ot send a DRP (di
request packet)). Remotes that monitor a connection between the base and another remote
will disregard any connection after the CB time. Refer to CB Command.
3. DI3 pin (pin 2, SLEEP) is de-asserted (set high). A base or remote module can cause a
disconnect by setting the DI3 line high. If no connection is active, the de-assertion is
ignored. A remote will request a disconnect if DI3 is de-asserted and the remote is currently
connected the base. Refer to DR (DI3 Configuration) Command.
4.   A remote or a base module receives the ATDC (Disconnect) Command.