DSP56853/854/855/857/858 User’s Manual
Error Conditions
In a master SPI with the Mode Fault Enable (MODFEN) bit set, the Mode Fault (MODF)
flag is set if SS goes to logic zero. A mode fault in a Master SPI causes the following
events to occur:
If ERRIE = 1, the SPI generates an SPI receiver/error DSP interrupt request
The SPE bit is cleared (SPI disabled)
The SPTE bit is set
The SPI state counter is cleared
When configured as a slave (SPMSTR = 0), the MODF flag is set if the SS goes high
during a transmission. When CPHA = 0, a transmission begins when SS goes low and
ends once the incoming SCLK goes back to its idle level, following the shift of the last
data bit. When CPHA = 1, the transmission begins when the SCLK leaves its idle level
and SS is already low. The transmission continues until the SCLK returns to its idle level
following the shift of the last data bit.
Setting the MODF flag does not clear the SPMSTR bit. The SPMSTR bit has no
function when SPE = 0. Reading SPMSTR when MODF = 1 shows the
difference between a MODF occurring when the SPI is a master and when it is a
When CPHA = 0, a MODF occurs if a slave is selected (SS is at logic zero) and
later unselected (SS is at logic one) even if no SCLK is sent to that slave. This
happens because SS at logic zero indicates the start of the transmission (MISO
driven out with the value of MSB) for CPHA = 0. When CPHA = 1, a slave can
be selected and then later unselected with no transmission occurring.
Therefore, MODF does not occur since a transmission was never begun.
In a slave SPI (MSTR = 0), the MODF bit generates an SPI Receiver/Error Interrupt
request if the ERRIE bit is set. The MODF bit does not clear the SPE bit or reset the SPI in
any way. Software can abort the SPI transmission by clearing the SPE bit of the slave.
A logic one voltage on the SS pin of a slave SPI puts the MISO pin in a high
impedance state. Also, the slave SPI ignores all incoming SCLK clocks, even if
it was already in the middle of a transmission.
In a master SPI, the MODF flag will not be cleared until the SS_B pin is at a logic 1 or the
SPI is configured as a slave.
In a slave SPI, if the MODF flag is not cleared by writing a one to the MODF bit, the
condition causing the mode fault still exists. The MODF flag and corresponding interrupt
can be cleared by disabling the EERIE or MODFEN bits (if set) or by disabling the SPI. It
is possible to clear the MODF error condition by disabling the SPE or MODFEN bits.