Philips Semiconductors
Objective specification
2000 Feb 10
XISR – Xon–Xoff Interrupt Status Register A and B (Reading this register clears XISR(7:4))
Bits 7:6
Bits 5:4
Received X Character Status
Automatic X Character transmission
00 = none
01 = Xoff received
10 = Xon received
11 = both received
11 = Both transmitted
Bits 3:2
TxD flow status
Bits 1:0
TxD character status
00 = none
01 = Xon transmitted
10 = Xoff transmitted
00 = normal transmission
01 = TxD halt pending
10 = re – enabled
11 = flow halted
00 = normal TxD data
01 = Idle wait for FIFO
10 = Xoff in pending
11 = Xon in pending
XISR[7:6] Received X Character Status.
This field can be read to determine if the receiver has encountered a
Xon or Xoff character in the incoming data stream. These bits are
maintained until a read of the XISR. The field is updated by X
character reception regardless of the state of MR3(7) and MR3(3:2)
or IMR(4). The field can therefore be used as a character detector
for the bit patterns stored in the Xon and Xoff Character Registers.
XISR[5:4] Automatic transmission Status.
This field indicates the last flow control character sent in the Auto
Receiver flow control mode. If Auto Receiver mode has not been
enabled, this field will always read b’00. It will likewise reset to b’00 if
MR0(3) is reset. If the Auto Receiver mode is exited while this field
reads b’10, it is the user’s responsibility to transmit a Xon, when
XISR[3:2] TxD Condition of the automatic flow control status.
This field tracks the transmitter’s flow status as follows:
00 –
ormal transmission. Transmitter is not affected by Xon or
01 – TxD halt pending. After the current character finishes the
transmitter will stop. The status will then change to b’11.
10 –
e–enabled. The transmitter had been halted and has been
restarted. It is sending (or is prepared to send) data characters.
After a read of the XISR, it will return to ”normal” status.
11 – The transmitter is stopped due to an Xoff character being
received from its associated receiver. The transmitter is “flow
XISR[1:0] TxD X character Status.
This field allows determination of the type of character being
transmitted. It will always be b’00 if none of the automatic X
character controls of MR3[3:2] is enabled.
01 – The channel is waiting for a data character to transfer from
the TxFIFO. This condition will only occur for a bit time after a Xon
or Xoff character transmission unless the TxFIFO is empty.
10 – A command to send an Xoff character is pending.
11 – A command to send an Xon character is pending.
Conditions b’10 and b’11 will not exist for more than a character
WCXER Watch Dog, Character, Address and X Enable Register – A and B
Bit 7
Bit 6
Watch dog *
1 = disable Wd
0 = no action
0 = no action
Bit 5
Address recognition
1 = disable Ar
0 = no action
Bit 4
Xon recognition
1 = disable
0 = no action
Xoff Recognition
1 = disable
0 = no action
1 = enable
1 = enable Ar
0 = no action
1 = enable
0 = no action
1 = enable
0 = no action
This register enables the UART’s Character Recognition, Address
Recognition and Receiver watchdog timer. If both enable and
disable are active a disable results. This register is used to enable
the general–purpose character recognition feature WITHOUT
causing any Xon/Xoff or wakeup mode activities to occur. The
recognition event is reported in the ISR register.
* This bit control is duplicated at MR0[7].