CSTOE: Completion Signal Time-out Error
This bit is set when the completion signal time-out defined by the CSTOR.CSTOCYC field and the CSTOR.CSTOMUL field is
This bit is cleared when reading the SR register.
DTOE: Data Time-out Error
This bit is set when the data time-out defined by the DTOR.DTOCYC field and the DTOR.DTOMUL field is reached.
This bit is cleared when reading the SR register.
DCRCE: Data CRC Error
This bit is set when a CRC16 error is detected in the last data block.
This bit is cleared when reading the SR register.
RTOE: Response Time-out Error
This bit is set when the response time-out defined by the CMDR.MAXLAT bit is reached.
This bit is cleared when writing the CMDR register.
RENDE: Response End Bit Error
This bit is set when the end bit of the response is not detected.
This bit is cleared when writing the CMDR register.
RCRCE: Response CRC Error
This bit is set when a CRC7 error is detected in the response.
This bit is cleared when writing the CMDR register.
RDIRE: Response Direction Error
This bit is set when the direction bit from card to host in the response is not detected.
This bit is cleared when writing the CMDR register.
RINDE: Response Index Error
This bit is set when a mismatch is detected between the command index sent and the response index received.
This bit is cleared when writing the CMDR register.
TXBUFE: TX Buffer Empty Status
This bit is set when the DMA Tx Buffer is empty.
This bit is cleared when the DMA Tx Buffer is not empty.
RXBUFF: RX BUffer Full Status
This bit is set when the DMA Rx Buffer is full.
This bit is cleared when the DMA Rx Buffer is not full.
CSRCV: CE-ATA Completion Signal Received
This bit is set when the device issues a command completion signal on the command line.
This bit is cleared when reading the SR register.
SDIOWAIT: SDIO Read Wait Operation Status
This bit is set when the data bus has entered IO wait state.
This bit is cleared when normal bus operation.
SDIOIRQB: SDIO Interrupt for Slot B
This bit is cleared when reading the SR register.
This bit is set when a SDIO interrupt on Slot B occurs.
SDIOIRQA: SDIO Interrupt for Slot A
This bit is set when a SDIO interrupt on Slot A occurs.
This bit is cleared when reading the SR register.
ENDTX: End of RX Buffer
This bit is set when the DMA Controller transmission is finished.
This bit is cleared when the DMA Controller transmission is not finished.
ENDRX: End of RX Buffer
This bit is set when the DMA Controller reception is finished.
This bit is cleared when the DMA Controller reception is not finished.
This bit must be used only for write operations.