PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
Issue 3
5 Gbit/s ATMSwitch Fabric Element
All dribbling errors,
Any bridging fault between ports, and
Complex partial failures.
As much as possible, the following secondary goals will be taken into account in the algorithms implemented.
Quick and responsive in failure detection,
Localize the problem, and minimize the effect of the problem,
Avoid throughput collapse,
Identify and locate the problem,
Possibly do strong manufacturing test,
On line diagnostics, and
Automatically detect when a failure resolves itself.
5. 3. Fault Detection Mechanisms
Several mechanisms are built into the QSE and the QRT to facilitate online detection and location of faults within a
system. These involve:
Special coding and guaranteed transitions on the BP_ACK line. If this is not detected, the condition is
flagged, and no data is sent out on the port.
Special coding and guaranteed transitions on the SE_SOC line. If this is not detected, the port is flagged as
failed, and all data from the port is discarded.
Cell present being marked by two bits, Nibble 0 is 10xx for cell present or 01xx for cell absent (11xx and
00xx are considered errors, the port is flagged as failed, and all data from the port is discarded).
Idle cell is coded by five nibbles, (01xx, 0000,1000, 0100, 0010, 0001). This pattern verifies no line has a
stuck-at or bridging fault.
Closed loop port behavior ensures no data is sent to a bad port. If a port is flagged as failed, then no BP
signal is sent back on the BP_ACK line. This in turn will be detected by the transmitting QSE, and will be
flagged. In addition, no data will be sent to that port while the condition exists.
Nibbles 1 through 12 of the cell header are parity protected. For unicast data, in the QRT, a parity errored
cell is dropped, but an ACK is still issued. In the QSE, an ONACK is issued for parity errored cells. This
results in the unicast ONACKed cell being retransmitted if the parity error did not occur in the last stage. For
multicast data, parity errored cells are dropped by both the QRT and QSE.
Marked cell count. All input and output ports have a 4-bit cell counter. Any cell that goes by with a marked
cell count bit set increments this count. (Note that unicast traffic has to be ACKed to increment the count.)
Modulo 16 arithmetic can be performed on these counts to determine if there was any unexpected cell loss or
Whenever a port is tagged dead due to BP_ACK failure, there needs to be two consecutive good instances to
make the port alive again.
5. 4. Interface Behavior
In Figure 33 on page 51, the various interfaces of interest are labeled
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