S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1990553, Issue 4
Segment_Flow = 1, then Segment AIS will be generated on declaration of
Segment CC alarm.
If the connection is a segment end point, then ETE AIS and Segment RDI
will be generated once per second on declaration of Segment CC alarm.
If the connection is an ETE end point, then ETE RDI will be generated once
per second on declaration of ETE CC alarm.
If the connection is both a segment and an ETE point, then Segment RDI
will be generated once per second on declaration of Segment CC alarm,
and ETE RDI will be generated once per second on declaration of ETE CC
AIS and RDI cells generated via the CC_AIS_RDI process have the Defect
Type programmed in the Generated OAM Defect Type field, and the Defect
Location programmed in the global Defect Location register.
In any event, AIS/RDI cells will not be generated at a rate of more than one
segment and one end-to-end AIS cell per second, nominally. In particular,
Segment and ETE AIS cells will not be generated via this process if the
connection is already receiving Segment or ETE AIS cells, respectively.
Segment Flow
The Segment_Flow bit indicates whether a connection is part of a defined
segment. When Segment_Flow is logic 1, then Segment AIS cells may be
sent due to CC alarm (controlled by CC_AIS_RDI), due to per-PHY AIS
declaration (controlled by the per-PHY AIS Generation Control registers),
or due to AIS declaration at the F4 connection associated with an F5
connection (controlled by the F4toF5OAM bit).
The SegmentFlow bit should not be set to a logic 1 at segment end-points,
or at segment start-points.
Defines the S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 as a Segment termination point. For F4
connections (VPCs), all cells with VCI = 3 are terminated and processed.
For F5 connections (VCCs), all cells with PTI = 100 are terminated and
Defines the S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 as an End-to-End termination point. For
F4 connections (VPCs), all cells with VCI = 4 are terminated and
processed. For F5 connections (VCCs), all cells with PTI = 101 are
terminated and processed. All segment OAM cells are dropped at End-to-
End points, but they are not processed unless the Segment_End_Point bit
is also logic 1.
Table 14 VC Table Miscellaneous Fields
Specifies the VCI associated with this VC. For VPCs and F4 OAM
connections, this field should be coded to all zeroes, and will be unused.
For VCCs, this field is compared to the VCI of incoming cells to confirm that
the search completed correctly. If the VCI field and the VCI of the incoming
cell do not match, the search is considered invalid, and the cell will be
dropped, with an optional copy to the microprocessor. This field is also
used when generating OAM cells, if header translation is disabled.
Specifies the VPI associated with this VC. This field is compared to the VPI
of incoming cells to confirm that the search completed correctly. If the VPI
field and the VPI of the incoming cell do not match, the search is considered
invalid, and the cell will be dropped, with an optional copy to the
microprocessor. If the connection is configured as a UNI (the NNI bit in the
Configuration field is set to logic 0) then the first 4 bits of the VPI contain the
GFC field and are thus not used in the comparison. This field is also used