S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1990553, Issue 4
If the RMtoUP bit is logic 1, all RM cells are copied to the Microprocessor Cell Interface.
RM cells are identified PTI=110 for VC-RM cells and by VCI=6 for VP-RM cells. If the
VP_RM_PTI6 register bit is logic 1, VP-RM cells are further qualified by PTI=110.
If the RMtoBCIF bit is logic 1, all RM cells are copied to the Backwards Cell Interface. RM
cells are identified PTI=110 for VC-RM cells and by VCI=6 for VP-RM cells. If the
VP_RM_PTI6 register is logic 1, VP-RM cells are further qualified by PTI=110.
If the DropRM bit is logic 1, all RM cells are dropped (i.e. not passed to the OCIF) though
they may be passed to the MCIF or BCIF based on the RMtoBCIF and RMtoUP register bits.
RM cells are identified PTI=110 for VC-RM cells and by VCI=6 for VP-RM cells. If the
VP_RM_PTI6 register bit of the Search Engine Configuration configuration register is logic
1, VP-RM cells are further qualified by PTI=110.
If this bit is logic 1, all Forward and Backward RM cells with an incorrect CRC-10 are
discarded. If this bit is logic 0, then all Forward and Backward RM cells are output to the
Output Cell Interface regardless of whether their CRC-10 is correct or not.
If the BADVCtoUP bit is logic 1, all cells with an unprovisioned VPI/VCI are dropped and
routed to the Microprocessor Cell Interface. If this bit is logic 0, those cells are discarded by
the S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 without being routed to the Microprocessor Cell Interface.
If this bit is logic 1, all F5 (VCC) cells with PTI=111 and all F4 (VPC) cells with a VCI of 7
through 15 are not routed to the Output Cell Interface. If DROPINVPTIVCI is logic 0, these
cells are passed transparently.
If the INVPTIVCItoUP bit is logic 1, all F5 (VCC) cells with an invalid PTI field (PTI=111)
and all F4 (VPC) cells with an invalid VCI field (VCI 7 through 15) are copied to the
Microprocessor Cell Interface. The DROPINVPTIVCI register bit determines whether cells
with invalid PTI or VCI fields are passed to the Output Cell Interface.