PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM5381 S/UNI-2488
Proprietary and Confidentail to PMC-Sierra Inc., and for its Customer’s Internal Use
intervening time (one frame) there are no continuous periods of 20 μs without transitions on the
received data stream.
The RRMP calculates the section BIP-8 error detection code on the scrambled data of the
complete frame. The section BIP-8 code is based on a bit interleaved parity calculation using
even parity. The calculated BIP-8 code is compared with the BIP-8 code extracted from the B1
byte of STS-1 (STM-0) #1 of the following frame after de-scrambling. Any difference indicates a
section BIP-8 error. The RRMP accumulates section BIP-8 errors in a microprocessor readable
16-bit saturating counter (up to 1 second accumulation time). Optionally, block section BIP-8
errors can be accumulated.
The RRMP optionally de-scrambles the received data stream.
The RRMP calculates the line BIP-8 error detection codes on the de-scrambled line overhead
and synchronous payload envelope bytes of the constituent STS-1 (STM-0). The line BIP-8 code
is based on a bit interleaved parity calculation using even parity. The calculated BIP-8 codes are
compared with the BIP-8 codes extracted from the B2 byte of the constituent STS-1 (STM-0) of
the following frame after de-scrambling. Any difference indicates a line BIP-8 error. The RRMP
accumulates line BIP-8 errors in a microprocessor readable 24 bits saturating counter (up to 1
second accumulation time). Optionally, block BIP errors can be accumulated.
The RRMP extracts the line remote error indication (REI-L) errors from the M1 byte of STS-1
(STM-0) #3 and accumulates them in a microprocessor readable 24 bits saturating counter (up to
1 second accumulation time). Optionally, block line REI errors can be accumulated.
The RRMP extracts and filters the K1/K2 APS bytes for three frames. The filtered K1/K2 APS
bytes are accessible through microprocessor readable registers. The RRMP also monitors the
unfiltered K1/K2 APS bytes to detect APS byte failure (APSBF-L) defect, line alarm indication
signal (AIS-L) defect and line remote defect indication (RDI-L) defect. APS byte failure is
declared when twelve consecutive frames have been received where no three consecutive
frames contain identical K1 bytes. The APS byte failure is removed upon detection of three
consecutive frames containing identical K1 bytes. The detection of invalid APS codes must be
done in software by polling the K1/K2 APS register. Line AIS is declared when the bit pattern 111
is observed in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte for three or five consecutive frames. Line AIS is
removed when any pattern other than 111 is observed for three or five consecutive frames. Line
RDI is declared when the bit pattern 110 is observed in bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte for three or
five consecutive frames. Line RDI is removed when any pattern other than 110 is observed for
three or five consecutive frames.
The RRMP extracts and filters the synchronization status message (SSM) for eight frames. The
filtered SSM is accessible through microprocessor readable registers.
RRMP optionally inserts line alarm indication signal (AIS-L).
The RRMP extracts and serially outputs all the transport overhead (TOH) bytes on the RTOH
output. The TOH bytes are output in the same order that they are received (A1, A2, J0/Z0, B1,