initiated immediately after the previous conversion completes, and since CKADC2 is high at this
time, all automatically started (i.e., all but the first) Free Running conversions will take 14 ADC
clock cycles.
If differential channels are used and conversions are started by Auto Triggering, the ADC must
be switched off between conversions. When Auto Triggering is used, the ADC prescaler is reset
before the conversion is started. Since the stage is dependent of a stable ADC clock prior to the
conversion, this conversion will not be valid. By disabling and then re-enabling the ADC between
each conversion (writing ADEN in ADCSRA to “0” then to “1”), only extended conversions are
The gain stage is optimized for a bandwidth of 4 kHz at all gain settings. Higher frequencies may
be subjected to non-linear amplification. An external low-pass filter should be used if the input
signal contains higher frequency components than the gain stage bandwidth. Note that the ADC
clock frequency is independent of the gain stage bandwidth limitation. E.g. the ADC clock period
may be 6 s, allowing a channel to be sampled at 12 kSPS, regardless of the bandwidth of this
Changing Channel or Reference Selection
The MUXn and REFS1:0 bits in the ADMUX Register are single buffered through a temporary
register to which the CPU has random access. This ensures that the channels and reference
selection only takes place at a safe point during the conversion. The channel and reference
selection is continuously updated until a conversion is started. Once the conversion starts, the
channel and reference selection is locked to ensure a sufficient sampling time for the ADC. Con-
tinuous updating resumes in the last ADC clock cycle before the conversion completes (ADIF in
ADCSRA is set). Note that the conversion starts on the following rising ADC clock edge after
ADSC is written. The user is thus advised not to write new channel or reference selection values
to ADMUX until one ADC clock cycle after ADSC is written.
If Auto Triggering is used, the exact time of the triggering event can be indeterministic. Special
care must be taken when updating the ADMUX Register, in order to control which conversion
will be affected by the new settings.
If both ADATE and ADEN is written to one, an interrupt event can occur at any time. If the
ADMUX Register is changed in this period, the user cannot tell if the next conversion is based
on the old or the new settings. ADMUX can be safely updated in the following ways:
When ADATE or ADEN is cleared.
During conversion, minimum one ADC clock cycle after the trigger event.
After a conversion, before the interrupt flag used as trigger source is cleared.
When updating ADMUX in one of these conditions, the new settings will affect the next ADC
Special care should be taken when changing differential channels. Once a differential channel
has been selected, the stage may take as much as 125 s to stabilize to the new value. Thus
conversions should not be started within the first 125 s after selecting a new differential chan-
nel. Alternatively, conversion results obtained within this period should be discarded.
The same settling time should be observed for the first differential conversion after changing
ADC reference (by changing the REFS1:0 bits in ADMUX).