delays that are 25% and 7S% respectively of the
total delay selected by the Auto-Start Delay Con-
trol Bits. The times labled T1 andT2 are the times
associatedwim the Alignand Go statusbits. Typi-
cal delays associated with these times for a PLL
referencefrequencyof 90Hz are shownin the fig-
Referring to figure 9, the following is the se-
quenceof events duringAuto-Start:
- Output Stage is energized to phase 1 with
high and
low for T
- The intemal sequencer double increments the
output stage to Phase 3 for T2 seconds. If
phases 1 or 3 are high torque states, the mo-
tor should becomealigned.
- During the alignment phase, the
signalis ignored.
Go Phase
- The internal sequencerdouble increments the
output stage to State 5, whichshould produce
torquein the desired direction.
- with
held low, the se-
quencer is now controlled by the Bemf zero
crossings, and the motor should ramp up to
If backward rotation is detected, a status bit in the
serial port will be set, and the L6238 will revert to
the brake mode.
- If a stuck rotor condition exists, the Stuck Ro-
tor Status bit is flagged, but no action is
taken. If though during a stuckrotor condition,
the time outdue to the backwardsrotationoc-
curs, the L6238 will revert back to the brake
3.3 Externally Controlled Start-Up Algorithms
Enhanced Start-Up Algorithms can be achieved
by using a uProcessorto interact with the L6238’s
control and status signals. The uProcessor needs
to be heavilyinvolved during OpenLoop Start-Up.
The L6238 has the ability to transition to Closed
Loop Start-Up at very low speeds, reducing the
uProcessor task to monitoring status rather than
real time interaction. Thus, it is a perfect applica-
tion for an existinguProcessor.
To allow control via an external means, the
Auto/ExtControl Bit in the Serial Port must be set
low. This disables the internal Auto-Start Algo-
rithm. The following control and status signals al-
low for very flexible algorithm development:
A low to high transitionat this input
is used to increment the stateof the power out-
put stage. It is useful during start-up, because
Processor can cycle to any desired state,
or cycle through the states at any desired rate.
When held high, it inhibits the BEMF zero
crossings from incrementing the internal se-
This output is low until the first
detected Bemf zero crossing occurs. It then
toggles at each successive zero crossing. This
signal serves as a motion detector and gives
useful timing information as well.
A high denotes that the phase error be-
tween the PLL reference and the feedbacksig-
nals is within the programmed threshold. This
signalis updated once per revolution.
Seq Reset This bit is used to reset the output
stageto the first state.
3.4 Start Up Approaches
Align & Go Approach
The Align & Go approach
provides a very time efficient algorithm by ener-
gizing the coils to align the rotor and stator to a
known phase. This approach can be achievedvia
the Seq Reset, or by sequencing SEQ INCR.
SPIN SENSE can be monitored to assure that
motion occurred. Once ample time is given for
alignment to occur, SEQ INCR can be double in-
cremented, and the SPIN SENSE pin can be
monitored to detect motion. When SEQ INCR is
pulled low, control is transferredto the internal se-
quencer, and the L6238 finishes the spinup op-
eration. If no motion is detected, SEQ INCR can
be incremented to a different phase and the proc-
ess can be repeated. The alignment phase may
cause backward rotation, which on the average
will be greater than the StepperMotor approach.
algorithm described earlier is an
Align & Go approach. The main advantages of
the integrated Auto-Startare that the uP is not in-
volved real-time, and there are a minimum of in-
terface pins required to the spindle control sys-
Stepper Motor Approach
This approach mini-
mizes backward rotation by sequencing SEQ
INCR at an initial rate that the rotor can follow.
Thus, it is driven in a similar fashion to a stepper
motor. The rate is continuallyincreased until the
Bemf voltage is large enough to reliably use the
zero-crossings for
commutation timing. SEQ
INCR is held low, causing control to be passed to
the L6238’s internal sequencer as in the Align &
Go approach.
The Stepper Motor approach takes longer than
the Align & Go approach because the initial com-
mutation frequency and subsequent ramp rate