2008 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS70149D-page 111
I2C Module Addresses
The I2CADD register contains the Slave mode
addresses. The register is a 10-bit register.
If the A10M bit (I2CCON<10>) is ‘0’, the address is
interpreted by the module as a 7-bit address. When an
address is received, it is compared to the 7 LSbs of the
I2CADD register.
If the A10M bit is ‘1’, the address is assumed to be a
10-bit address. When an address is received, it is
compared with the binary value ‘1 1 1 1 0 A9 A8’
(where A9, A8 are two Most Significant bits of
I2CADD). If that value matches, the next address is
compared with the Least Significant 8 bits of I2CADD,
as specified in the 10-bit addressing protocol.
TABLE 17-1:
I2C 7-bit Slave Mode Operation
Once enabled (I2CEN = 1), the slave module will wait
for a Start bit to occur (i.e., the I2C module is ‘Idle’).
Following the detection of a Start bit, 8 bits are shifted
into I2CRSR and the address is compared against
I2CADD. In 7-bit mode (A10M = 0), bits I2CADD<6:0>
are compared against I2CRSR<7:1> and I2CRSR<0>
is the R_W bit. All incoming bits are sampled on the
rising edge of SCL.
If an address match occurs, an Acknowledgement will
be sent, and the Slave Event Interrupt Flag (SI2CIF) is
set on the falling edge of the ninth (ACK) bit. The
address match does not affect the contents of the
I2CRCV buffer or the RBF bit.
If the R_W bit received is a ‘1’, then the serial port will
go into Transmit mode. It will send ACK on the ninth bit
and then hold SCL to ‘0’ until the CPU responds by
writing to I2CTRN. SCL is released by setting the
SCLREL bit, and 8 bits of data are shifted out. Data bits
are shifted out on the falling edge of SCL, such that
SDA is valid during SCL high (see timing diagram). The
interrupt pulse is sent on the falling edge of the ninth
clock pulse, regardless of the status of the ACK
received from the master.
If the R_W bit received is a ‘0’ during an address
match, then Receive mode is initiated. Incoming bits
are sampled on the rising edge of SCL. After 8 bits are
received, if I2CRCV is not full or I2COV is not set,
I2CRSR is transferred to I2CRCV. ACK is sent on the
ninth clock.
If the RBF flag is set, indicating that I2CRCV is still
holding data from a previous operation (RBF = 1), then
ACK is not sent; however, the interrupt pulse is gener-
ated. In the case of an overflow, the contents of the
I2CRSR are not loaded into the I2CRCV.
I2C 10-bit Slave Mode Operation
In 10-bit mode, the basic receive and transmit opera-
tions are the same as in the 7-bit mode. However, the
criteria for address match is more complex.
The I2C specification dictates that a slave must be
addressed for a write operation, with two address bytes
following a Start bit.
The A10M bit is a control bit that signifies that the
address in I2CADD is a 10-bit address rather than a
7-bit address. The address detection protocol for the
first byte of a message address is identical for 7-bit
and 10-bit messages, but the bits being compared are
I2CADD holds the entire 10-bit address. Upon
receiving an address following a Start bit, I2CRSR
<7:3> is compared against a literal ‘11110’ (the default
10-bit address) and I2CRSR<2:1> are compared
against I2CADD<9:8>. If a match occurs and if
R_W = 0, the interrupt pulse is sent. The ADD10 bit will
be cleared to indicate a partial address match. If a
match fails or R_W = 1, the ADD10 bit is cleared and
the module returns to the Idle state.
The low byte of the address is then received and
compared with I2CADD<7:0>. If an address match
occurs, the interrupt pulse is generated and the ADD10
bit is set, indicating a complete 10-bit address match. If
an address match did not occur, the ADD10 bit is
cleared and the module returns to the Idle state.
General call address or start byte
HS mode Master codes
Valid 7-bit addresses
Valid 10-bit addresses
(lower 7 bits)
The I2CRCV will be loaded if the I2COV
bit = 1 and the RBF flag = 0. In this case,
a read of the I2CRCV was performed, but
the user did not clear the state of the
I2COV bit before the next receive
occurred. The Acknowledgement is not
sent (ACK = 1) and the I2CRCV is