Data Sheet
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I2C general call status and ID clear bit.
Writing a 1 to this bit clears the general call status and ID bits in the I2CxSSTA register.
This bit is cleared at all other times.
I2C hardware general call enable. Hardware general call enable. When this bit and Bit 2 are set, and having
received a general call (Address 0x00) and a data byte, the device checks the contents of the I2CxALT against
the receive register. If the contents match, the device has received a hardware general call. This is used if a
device needs urgent attention from a master device without knowing which master it needs to turn to. This is a
broadcast message to all master devices on the bus. The ADuC7023 watches for these addresses. The device
that requires attention embeds its own address into the message. All masters listen, and the one that can
handle the device contacts its slave and acts appropriately. The LSB of the I2CxALT register should always be
written to 1, as per the I2C January 2000 bus specification.
This bit and I2CGCEN are set to enable hardware general call recognition in slave mode.
This bit is cleared to disable recognition of hardware general call commands.
I2C general call enable. This bit is set to enable the slave device to acknowledge an I2C general call, Address
0x00 (write). The device then recognizes a data bit. If it receives a 0x06 (reset and write programmable part of
the slave address by hardware) as the data byte, the I2C interface resets as per the I2C January 2000 bus
specification. This command can be used to reset an entire I2C system. If it receives a 0x04 (write programmable part
of the slave address by hardware) as the data byte, the general call interrupt status bit sets on any general call.
The user must take corrective action by reprogramming the device address.
This bit is set to allow the slave acknowledge I2C general call commands.
This bit is cleared to disable recognition of general call commands.
I2C 10-bit address mode.
This bit is set to 1 to enable 10-bit address mode.
This bit is cleared to 0 to enable normal address mode.
I2C slave enable bit.
This bit is set by user to enable I2C slave mode.
This bit is cleared by the user to disable I2C slave mode.
I2C Slave Status Registers, I2CxSSTA
0xFFFF082C, 0xFFFF092C
Default value:
0x0000, 0x0000
These 16-bit MMRs are the I2C status registers in slave mode.
Rev. E