Mindspeed Technologies
CX28224/5/9 Data Sheet
IMA Version 1.1 PICS Proforma
OAM.64 Does the implementation report a Rx Fault failure alarm for any
implementation specific Rx fault declared at the NE?
Yes__ No X
OAM.65 Does the implementation report a Tx-Unusable-FE failure alarm
when it receives Tx-Unusable from FE?
Yes X No__
OAM.66 Does the implementation report a Rx-Unusable-FE failure alarm
when it receives Rx-Unusable from FE?
Yes X No__
OAM.67 Does the implementation report a Start-up-FE failure alarm when it
receives this signal from FE (the declaration of this failure alarm
may be delayed to ensure the FE remains in Start-up)?
Yes X No__
OAM.68 Does the implementation report a Config-Aborted failure alarm
when the FE tries to use unacceptable configuration parameters?
Yes X No__
OAM.69 Does the implementation report a Config-Aborted-FE failure alarm
when the FE reports unacceptable configuration parameters?
Yes X No__
OAM.70 Does the implementation report an Insufficient-Links failure alarm
when less than PTx transmit links or PRx receive links are active?
Yes X No__
OAM.71 Does the implementation report an Insufficient-Links-FE failure
alarm when the FE reports that less than PTx transmit links or PRx
receive links are active?
Yes X No__
OAM.72 Does the implementation report a Blocked-FE failure alarm when
the FE reports that it is blocked?
Yes X No__
OAM.73 Does the implementation report GR-Timing-Mismatch when the FE
transmit clock mode is different than the NE transmit clock mode?
Yes X No__
OAM.74 In the case of the LIF, LODS, RFI-IMA and Fault failure alarms,
does the implementation support 2.5 ± 0.5 seconds as a default
persistence checking time to enter a failure alarm condition?
Yes X No__
OAM.75 In the case of the LIF, LODS, RFI-IMA and Fault failure alarms,
does the implementation support 10 ± 0.5 seconds as a default
persistence clearing time to exit the failure alarm condition?
Yes X No__
OAM.76 In the case of the LIF, LODS, RFI-IMA and Fault failure alarms,
does the IMA allow configuration of other values for default
persistence checking time to enter a failure alarm condition?
Yes X No__
OAM.77 In the case of the LIF, LODS, RFI-IMA and Fault failure alarms,
does the IMA allow configuration of other values for default
persistence checking time to exit the same failure alarm condition?
Yes X No__
OAM.78 Does the implementation ensure that the Tx-Fault failure alarm, as
defined in (O-28) on page 79, is not cleared until the fault that led
to the declaration of the alarm is no longer present for the duration
specified to clear the alarm in (R-152) on page 80?
Yes__ No X
OAM.79 Does the implementation ensure that the Rx-Fault failure alarm, as
defined in (O-29) on page 79, is not cleared until the fault that led
to the declaration of the alarm is no longer present for the duration
specified to clear the alarm in (R-152) on page 80?
Yes__ No X
Comments: 24 hour PM intervals require external software. No threshold crossing feature in driver. Link Fault failures are not
defined in standard.
Table A-8. IMA Interface OAM Operation Functions (5 of 5)
Protocol feature
Cond. for