Generic clock (GCLK). One of the generic clocks is connected to the AST. This clock must be
enabled before use, and remains enabled in sleep modes when the PB clock is active.
1KHz clock from the 32KHz oscillator (CLK_1K). This clock is only available in crystal mode,
and must be enabled before use.
In Shutdown mode only the 32 KHz oscillator and the 1 KHz clock are available, using certain
pins. Please refer to the Power Manager chapter for details.
The AST interrupt request lines are connected to the interrupt controller. Using the AST inter-
rupts requires the interrupt controller to be programmed first.
Peripheral Events
The AST peripheral events are connected via the Peripheral Event System. Refer to the Periph-
eral Event System chapter for details.
Debug Operation
The AST prescaler and counter is frozen during debug operation, unless the Run In Debug bit in
the Development Control Register is set and the bit corresponding to the AST is set in the
Peripheral Debug Register (PDBG). Please refer to the On-Chip Debug chapter in the
AVR32UC Technical Reference Manual, and the OCD Module Configuration section, for details.
If the AST is configured in a way that requires it to be periodically serviced by the CPU through
interrupts or similar, improper operation or data loss may result during debugging.
Functional Description
Before enabling the AST, the internal AST clock CLK_AST_PRSC must be enabled, following
the procedure specified in
Section The Clock Source Select field in the Clock register
(CLOCK.CSSEL) selects the source for this clock. The Clock Enable bit in the Clock register
(CLOCK.CEN) enables the CLK_AST_PRSC.
When CLK_AST_PRSC is enabled, the AST can be enabled by writing a one to the Enable bit in
the Control Register (CR.EN).
Enabling and disabling the AST clock
The Clock Source Selection field (CLOCK.CSSEL) and the Clock Enable bit (CLOCK.CEN) can-
not be changed simultaneously. Special procedures must be followed for enabling and disabling
the CLK_AST_PRSC and for changing the source for this clock.
To enable CLK_AST_PRSC:
Write the selected value to CLOCK.CSSEL
Wait until SR.CLKBUSY reads as zero
Write a one to CLOCK.CEN, without changing CLOCK.CSSEL
Wait until SR.CLKBUSY reads as zero
To disable the clock:
Write a zero to CLOCK.CEN to disable the clock, without changing CLOCK.CSSEL
Wait until SR.CLKBUSY reads as zero