– LCDCON2 register: Program its fields following their descriptions in the LCD
Controller User Interface section below and considering the type of LCD module
used and the desired working mode. Consider that not all combinations are possible.
– LCDTIM1 and LCDTIM2 registers: Program their fields according to the datasheet of
the LCD module used and with the help of the Timegen section in page 10. Note that
some fields are not applicable to STN modules and must be programmed with 0
values. Note also that there is a limitation on the minimum value of VHDLY, HPW,
HBP that depends on the configuration of the LCDC.
– LCDFRMCFG register: program the dimensions of the LCD module used.
– LCDMVAL register: Its configuration depends on the LCD Module used and should
– DP1_2 to DP6_7 registers: they are only used for STN displays. They contain the
dithering patterns used to generate gray shades or colors in these modules. They
are loaded with recommended patterns at reset, so it is not necessary to write
anything on them. They can be used to improve the image quality in the display by
tuning the patterns in each application.
– PWRCON Register: this register controls the power-up sequence of the LCD, so
take care to use it properly. Do not enable the LCD (writinga1in LCD_PWR field)
until the previous steps and the configuration of the DMA have been finished.
– CONTRAST_CTR and CONTRAST_VAL: use this registers to adjust the contrast of
the display, when the LCDCC line is used.
Configure the DMA Controller. The user should configure the base address of the display
buffer memory, the size of the AHB transaction and the size of the display image in memory.
When the DMA is configured the user should enable the DMA. To do so the user should
configure the following registers:
– DMABADDR1 and DMABADDR2 registers: In single scan mode only DMABADDR1
register must be configured with the base address of the display buffer in memory. In
dual scan mode DMABADDR1 should be configured with the base address of the
Upper Panel display buffer and DMABADDR2 should be configured with the base
address of the Lower Panel display buffer.
– DMAFRMCFG register: Program the FRMSIZE field. Note that in dual scan mode
the vertical size to use in the calculation is that of each panel. Respect to the
BRSTLN field, a recommended value is a 4-word burst.
– DMACON register: Once both the LCD Controller Core and the DMA Controller have
been configured, enable the DMA Controller by writing a “1” to the DMAEN field of
this register. If using a dual scan module or the 2D addressing feature, do not forget
to write the DMAUPDT bit after every change to the set of DMA configuration values.
– DMA2DCFG register: Required only in 2D memory addressing mode (see
“2D Finally, enable the LCD Controller Core by writing a “1” in the LCD_PWR field of the
PWRCON register and do any other action that may be required to turn the LCD module on.