The SCIF masks the oscillator outputs during the start-up time, to ensure that no unstable clocks
propagate to the digital logic.
The OSCn Ready bit in the Power and Clock Status Register (PCLKSR.OSCnRDY) is set when
the oscillator is stable and ready to be used as clock source. An interrupt can be generated on a
zero-to-one transition on OSCnRDY if the OSCnRDY bit in the Interrupt Mask Register
(IMR.OSCnRDY) is set. This bit is set by writing a one to the corresponding bit in the Interrupt
Enable Register (IER.OSCnRDY).
32KHz Oscillator (OSC32K) Operation
The 32KHz oscillator operates as described for the oscillator above. The 32 KHz oscillator can
be used as source clock for the Asynchronous Timer (AST) and the Watchdog Timer (WDT).
The 32KHz oscillator can also be used as source for the generic clocks.
The oscillator is disabled by default after reset. When the oscillator is disabled, the XIN32 and
XOUT32 pins can be used as general-purpose I/Os. When the oscillator is enabled, the XIN32
and XOUT32 pins are controlled directly by the SCIF, overriding GPIO settings. When the oscil-
lator is configured to use an external clock, the clock must be applied to the XIN32 pin while the
XOUT32 pin can be used as general-purpose I/O.
The oscillator is enabled writing a one to the OSC32 Enable bit in the 32KHz Oscillator Control
Register (OSCCTRL32OSC32EN). The oscillator is disabled by writing a zero to the OSC32EN
bit, while keeping the other bits unchanged. Writing to OSC32EN while also writing to other bits
may result in unpredictable behavior. Operation mode (external clock or crystal) is selected by
writing to the Oscillator Mode bit in OSCCTRL32 (OSCCTRL32.MODE). The oscillator is an
ultra-low-power design and remains enabled in all sleep modes.
The start-up time of the 32 KHz oscillator is selected by writing to the Oscillator Start-up Time
field in the OSCCTRL32 register (OSCCTRL32.STARTUP). The SCIF masks the oscillator out-
put during the start-up time, to ensure that no unstable clock cycles propagate to the digital logic.
The OSC32 Ready bit in the Power and Clock Status Register (PCLKSR.OSC32RDY) is set
when the oscillator is stable and ready to be used as clock source. An interrupt can be gener-
ated on a zero-to-one transition on PCLKSR.OSC32RDY if the OSC32RDY bit in the Interrupt
Mask Register (IMR.OSC32RDY) is set. This bit is set by writing a one to the corresponding bit
in the Interrupt Enable Register (IER.OSC32RDY).
.As a crystal oscillator usually requires a very long start-up time (up to 1 second), the 32 KHz
oscillator will keep running across resets, except a Power-on Reset (POR).
The 32 KHz oscillator also has a 1 KHz output. This is enabled by writing a one to the Enable
1KHz output bit in OSCCTRL32 register (OSCCTRL32.EN1K). If the 32KHz output clock is not
needed when 1K is enabled, this can be disabled by writing a zero to the Enable 32KHz output
bit in the OSCCTRL32 register (OSCCTRL32.EN32K). OSCCTRL32.EN32K is set after a POR.
The 32 KHz oscillator has two possible sets of pins. To select between them write to the Pin
Select bit in the OSCCTRL32 register (OSCCTRL32.PINSEL). If the 32 KHz oscillator is to be
used in Shutdown mode, PINSEL must be written to one, and XIN32_2 and XOUT32_2 must be