3819 Group
3.1 Notes on use
3819 Group USER’S MANUAL
<Note 3>
The comparator uses internal capacitors whose charge will be lost if the clock frequency is too low. Thus, make sure
the following during an A-D conversion.
q f(XIN) is 500 kHz or more .
q Do not execute the STP instruction and WIT instruction.
3.1.4 Notes on the RESET pin
n case where the RESET signal rise time is long, connect a ceramic capacitor or others across the RESET pin and
the VSS pin. And use a 1000 pF or more capacitor for high frequency use. When connecting the capacitor, note the
following :
qMake the length of the wiring which is connected to a capacitor.
qBe sure to check the operation of application products on the user side.
If the several nanosecond or several ten nanosecond impulse noise enters the RESET pin, it may cause a
microcomputer failure.
3.1.5 Notes on input and output pins
<Note 1>
In stand-by state* for low-power dissipation, do not make input levels of an input and an I/O port “undefined,“
especially for the I/O ports of the P-channel and the N-channel open-drain.
Pull-up (connect the port to VCC) or pull-down (connect the port to VSS) these ports through a resistor.
When determining a resistance value, note the following points:
qExternal circuit
qVariation of output levels during the ordinary operation
When using built-in pull-up or pull-down resistor as an option, note on varied current values.
qWhen setting as an input port : Fix its input level
qWhen setting as an output port : Prevent current from flowing out to external
Even when setting as an output port with its direction register, in the following state :
qP-channel......when the content of the data register (port latch) is “0”
qN-channel......when the content of the data register (port latch) is “1”
the transistor becomes the OFF state, which causes the ports to be the high-impedance state. Note that the level
becomes “undefined” depending on external circuits.
Accordingly, the potential which is input to the input buffer in a microcomputer is unstable in the state that input levels
of an input and an I/O port are “undefined.” This may cause power source current.
* stand-by state : the stop mode by executing the STP instruction
the wait mode by executing the WIT instruction