Aug 28, 2006
page 38 of 119
7643 Group
(1) Cycle Steal Transfer Mode
When the DMAC Channel x (x = 0, 1) Transfer Mode Selection Bit
(DxTMS) is set to “0”, the respective DMAC Channel x operates in
the cycle steal transfer mode.
When a request of the specified transfer factor is generated, the
selected channel transfers one byte of data from the address indi-
cated by the Source Register into the address indicated by the
Destination Register.
There are two kinds of DMA transfer triggers supported: hardware
transfer factor and software trigger. Hardware transfer factors can
be selected by the DMACx (x = 0, 1) Hardware Transfer Request
source Bit (DxHR). To only use the Interrupt Request Bit, the inter-
rupt can be disabled by setting its Interrupt Enable Bit of Interrupt
Control Register to “0”.
The DMA transfer request as a software trigger can be generated
by setting the DMA Channel x (x = 0, 1) Software Transfer Trigger
Bit (DxSWT) to “1”.
The Source Registers and Transfer Destination Registers can be
either decreased or increased by 1 after transfer completion by
setting bits 0 to 3 in the DMAC Channel x (x = 0, 1) Mode Regis-
ter. When the Transfer Count Register underflows, the Source
Registers and Destination Registers are reloaded from their
latches if the DMAC Register Reload Disable Bit (DRLDD) is “0”.
The Transfer Count Register value is reloaded after an underflow
regardless of DRLDD setting. At the same time, the DMAC Inter-
rupt Request Bit and the DMA Channel x (x = 0, 1) Count Register
Underflow Flag are set to “1”.
The DMAC Channel x Disable After Count Register Underflow En-
able Bit (DxDAUE) is “1”, the DMAC Channel x Enable Bit
(DxCEN) goes to “0” at an under flows of Transfer Count Register.
By setting the DMAC Channel x (x = 0, 1) Register Reload Bit
(DxRLD) to “1”, the Source Registers, Destination Registers, and
Transfer Count Registers can be updated to the values in their re-
spective latches.