APRIL 10, 2006
4.2 SPI-4 to SPI-3 datapath and flow control
Four Packet Fragment Processor modules fromSPI4 ingress to SPI-3 egress
are provided, all connected to one SPI-4 ingress interface.
Packet bursts fromthe SPI-4 ingress are received into the SPI-4 ingress port
buffers. A packet fragment processor transfers complete packet bursts fromthe
SPI-4 ingress port buffers to memory segments previously reserved on a per-
LP basis in the buffer segment pool. The SPI-4 ingress port buffer watermarks
and the per-LP free buffer segment threshold information is combined to produce
SPI-4 ingress FIFO status (per-LP starving, hungry, or satisfied) towards the
attached SPI-4 device. Per-LP buffer segment threshold information is used to
produce FIFO status information for the attached SPI-3 device. Packets or
packet fragments are forwarded to the SPI-3 interface when a packet is complete
or a predefined number of bytes have been received. Packets or packet
fragments received on one SPI4 logical port are cross connected to an SPI3
logical port through an intermediate mapping to a Link identification, or LID. Its
mode of operation is simlar to the SPI-3 ingress to SPI-4 egress packet fragment
processor, with the following differences:
1) The PFP4-3 data input has three sources, listed in descending priority:
SPI-4 buffers, redirect buffers, and insert buffers.
2) The PFP3-4 data output has only three destinations. There is no SPI-3
to SPI-4 redirect path.
Each SPI-3 interface feeds ingress buffer available or ingress buffer
unavailable status information to its packet fragment processor.
If the number of free segments available to a LP exceeds the starving
threshold, the SPI-4 status is moved to starving for that LP. If the number of free
segments available to a LP exceeds the hungry but not the starving threshold,
the SPI-4 status is moved to hungry for that LP. If the hungry threshold is not
exceeded, the SPI-4 FIFO status channel will indicate satisfied for that LP.
SPI-4 ingress to SPI-3 egress datapath
The following is a description of the path taken by a burst of data through the
device fromthe SPI-4 ingress to a SPI-3 egress.
Data enters on the SPI-4 ingress interface in bursts. Bursts are normally of
equal length except the last burst of a packet which may be shorter. The control
word is in-band with the data. Burst data enters a SPI-4 ingress buffer. SPI-4
LP address, error information, SOP, EOP are stored with the burst data. A SPI-
4 LP address is mapped to a Logical IDentifier (LID). The burst is stored in per
LID allocated buffer segments reserved fromthe buffer segment pool.
The appropriate SPI-3 egress control register (Table 80 - SPI-3 egress port
descriptor table (64 entries)) is consulted, and it determnes to send this LID to
a prescribed SPI-3 egress port.
The selection of which LP is to be transmtted next is dependent on the status
of the LP and the availability of a complete fragment. Data is moved to the
appropriate SPI-3 egress buffer along with the LP address. SPI-3 LP address,
error information, SOP, and EOP information is stored with the packet fragment.
Next, data is transmtted in packet fragments over the selected SPI-3 interface.
Figure 18. SPI-4 ingress to SPI-3 egress packet fragment processor
6370 drw37
FIFO Status
SPI4 Ingress
ingress PFP
buffer segment pool
SPI-3 egress port
SPI-4 ingress port
FIFO Status