APRIL 10, 2006
SPI-4 egress status channel
Status channel bit alignment
The bit alignment algorithmfor the status channel is the same as was described
for the data channel.
A= a number of consecutive error free DIP-2s received
B= a number of consecutive DIP-2 errors, in training,
port disabled, or reset
6370 drw30
Figure 9. SPI-4 egress status state diagram
The status channel frame module has 3 states: HUNT, VALIDATE and
In the HUNT state, the status channel frame module searches for status
frame, status clear and status freeze.
In the VALIDATE state, the status channel frame module checks DIP-2.
In the IN_SYNCH state, the status channel frame module checks DIP-2, and
updates status.
HUNT state
In the HUNT state, per Link status is fixed to satisfied.
In HUNT state, the PFP searches frame continuously. It transitions to the
VALIDATE state if a single valid frame is found accompanied by a single valid
training pattern. A frame is considered to be found if : 1) only one frame word
is at the beginning of a frame, 2) the calendar selection word, if enabled, is
matched, and 3) the DIP-2 calculation matched the received DIP-2.
In the validate state, based on the frame found while in the HUNT state,
the DIP-2 is checked.
If a single DIP-2 error is found, transition to the HUNT state.
After a number of consecutive DIP-2 calculations proves to be error free,
transition to the IN_SYNCH state. The number is defined by the E_INSYNC_THR
field in Table 104-SPI-4 egress configuration register_0 (Block_base 0x0700
+ Register_offset 0x00).
In the validate state, the training pattern is not checked.
IN_SYNCH state
In the IN_SYNCH state, training frame and status frame are checked.
DIP-2 is checked for status frame. Each msmatched DIP-2 will generate a
DIP-2 error event, each event will be captured and counted.
After a number of consecutive DIP-2 errors, transition to the HUNT state.
(Clear status in HUNT mode). The number is defined by the E_OUTSYNC_THR
field in Table 104-SPI-4 egress configuration register_0 (Block_base 0x0700
+ Register_offset 0x00).
The reception of twelve consecutive training patterns forces a transition to
HUNT mode. If less than twelve consecutive training patterns are received,
synch will not be lost, and status frame starts at the end of training.
Twelve consecutive 11’ patterns force a transition to the HUNT state.
Status updating occurs without waiting for the end of a status frame.
LVTTL or LVDS status channel option
The LVDS_STA pin selects the interface type. A logic high enables the LVDS
status interface. A logic low enables the LVTTL status interface.
Data channel
Data transfer and training
At any cycle, the contents on the interface can be one of the following:
Control word: Payload control word, or idle control word or training control
Data word: Payload data word or training data word.
In the HUNT or the VALIDATE state, the training pattern is sent.
In the IN_SYNCH state, data fromis taken fromthe buffer segments and
egressed to the SPI-4 interface. The switch between data burst, IDLE, and
training must obey the following rules:
Send IDLE if no data to transmt
SOP must not occur less than 8 cycles apart.
periodic training after current transfer finished
Payload control word generation:
Bit 15, Control word type=1
Bit [14:13] EOPS per [see Glossary: SPI-4]. If an error tag is in the
descriptor, abort.
Bit [12] SOP refer to [see Glossary: SPI-4]
Eight Bit Address. Mapping table defined in Table 101, SPI-4 egress LID
to LP map (256 entries)
DIP-4 bit refer to [see Glossary]
Payload data word
Bit order refer to [see Glossary: SPI-4]
If only one byte is valid, 8 LSB (B7 to B0) is set to 0x00.
No status channel option
Once the NOSTAT bit is set, the status channel is ignored. Refer to Table 104,
SPI-4 egress configuration register_0 (register_offset 0x00).
Status in default value.
No DIP error check.
No status updating, the received status fixed to STARVING.
Data channel works same as in IN_SYNCH state.
Status Channel Frame synchronization
Status channel de-skew
The LVDS status channel deskew uses the same algorithmas the as the data