May 4, 2009 User-Programmable Arbitrary Waveform
When the PULS[3:0] bits are set to ‘11xx’, user-programmable arbitrary
waveform generator mode can be used in the corresponding channel. This
allows the transmitter performance to be tuned for a wide variety of line con-
dition or special application.
Each pulse shape can extend up to 4 UIs (Unit Interval), addressed by
UI[1:0] bits (TCF3, 07H...) and each UI is divided into 16 sub-phases,
addressed by the SAMP[3:0] bits (TCF3, 07H...). The pulse amplitude of
each phase is represented by a binary byte, within the range from +63 to -
63, stored in WDAT[6:0] bits (TCF4, 08H...) in signed magnitude form. The
most positive number +63 (D) represents the maximum positive amplitude
of the transmit pulse while the mostnegative number -63 (D) represents the
maximum negative amplitude of the transmit pulse. Therefore, up to 64
bytes are used. For each channel, a 64 bytes RAM is available.
There are twelvestandardtemplates which arestored inan on-chipROM.
User can select one of them as reference and make some changes to get
the desired waveform.
User can change the wave shape and the amplitude to get the desired
pulse shape. In order to do this, firstly, users can choose a set of waveform
value from the following twelve tables, which is the most similar to the
data and scaling data of each of the twelve templates. Then modify the cor-
responding sample data to get the desired transmit pulse shape.
Secondly, through the value of SCAL[5:0] bits increased or decreased
by 1, the pulse amplitude can be scaled up or down at the percentage ratio
against the standard pulse amplitude if needed. For different pulse shapes,
the value of SCAL[5:0] bits and the scaling percentage ratio are different.
The following twelve tables list these values.
Do the followings step by step, the desired waveform can be pro-
grammed, based on the selected waveform template:
(1).Select the UI by UI[1:0] bits (TCF3, 07H...)
(2).Specify the sample address in the selected UI by SAMP [3:0] bits
(TCF3, 07H...)
(3).Write sample data to WDAT[6:0] bits (TCF4, 08H...). It contains the
data to be stored in the RAM, addressed by the selected UI and the
corresponding sample address.
or to ‘1’ to implement read data from RAM
(5).Implement the Read from RAM/Write to RAM by setting the DONE
bit (TCF3, 07H...)
Repeat the above steps until all the sample data are written to or read
from the internal RAM.
(6).Write the scaling data to SCAL[5:0] bits (TCF2, 06H...) to scale the
amplitude of the waveform based on the selected standard pulse
lap of two consecutive pulses could make the pulse amplitude overflow
(exceed the maximum limitation) if the pulse amplitude is not set properly.
This overflow is captured by DAC_OV_IS bit (INTS1, 19H...), and, if
enabled by the DAC_OV_IM bit (INTM1, 14H...), an interrupt will be gen-