Altera Corporation
Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 2
January 2008
Device Configuration Pins
Table 7–23 describes the optional configuration pins. If these optional
configuration pins are not enabled in the Quartus II software, they are
available as general-purpose user I/O pins. Therefore, during
configuration, these pins function as user I/O pins and are tri-stated with
weak pull-up resistors.
Table 7–23. Optional Configuration Pins
Pin Name
User Mode
Pin Type
N/A if option is on.
I/O if option is off.
Optional user-supplied clock input synchronizes the
initialization of one or more devices. This pin is
enabled by turning on the Enable user-supplied
start-up clock (CLKUSR) option in the Quartus II
N/A if option is on.
I/O if option is off.
Output open-drain Status pin can be used to indicate when the device
has initialized and is in user mode. When nCONFIG is
low and during the beginning of configuration, the
pin is tri-stated and pulled high due to
an external 10-k
pull-up resistor. Once the option bit
to enable INIT_DONE is programmed into the device
(during the first frame of configuration data), the
pin will go low. When initialization is
complete, the INIT_DONE pin will be released and
pulled high and the device enters user mode. Thus,
the monitoring circuitry must be able to detect a
low-to-high transition. This pin is enabled by turning
on the Enable INIT_DONE output option in the
Quartus II software.
N/A if option is on.
I/O if option is off.
Optional pin that allows the user to override all
tri-states on the device. When this pin is driven low, all
I/O pins are tri-stated; when this pin is driven high, all
I/O pins behave as programmed. This pin is enabled
by turning on the Enable device-wide output enable
(DEV_OE) option in the Quartus II software.
N/A if option is on.
I/O if option is off.
Optional pin that allows you to override all clears on
all device registers. When this pin is driven low, all
registers are cleared; when this pin is driven high, all
registers behave as programmed. This pin is enabled
by turning on the Enable device-wide reset
(DEV_CLRn) option in the Quartus II software.