REV. 1.0.1
Setting this bit-field to “0” configures the Transmit Section of the channel to either internally generate or accept
the overhead bits/bytes via the TxOH[n] input pin.
Bit 6 - Rx Payload Clock Enable
This Read/Write bit-field permits the user to configure the Receive Payload Data Output Interface block to out-
put the receive data in a gapped-clock manner. The Receive Payload Data Output Interface will only generate
a clock edge via the RxClk[n] output pin whenever a payload bit is being output via the RxSer[n] output pin.
The Receive Payload Data Output Interface will not generate a clock edge via the RxClk[n] output pin whenev-
er an overhead bit is being output via the RxSer[n]output pin.
If the user does not select this option then the Receive Payload Data Output Interface block will generate a
clock edge for all bits (payload and overhead); as they are output via the RxSer[n] output pin. However, the
Receive Payload Data Output Interface will also pulse the RxOHInd[n] output pin "High" each time an over-
head bit is being output via the RxSer[n] output pin.
Setting this bit-field to “1” enables this feature. Setting this bit-field to “0” disables this feature.
Bit 5 - Tx Payload Clock Enable
This Read/Write bit-field permits the user to configure the TxOHInd[n] output pin to function as either of the fol-
lowing roles.
The Transmit Overhead Data Output Indicator
The Transmit Payload Data Clock Output signal.
If the TxOHInd[n] output pin is configured to function as the Transmit Overhead Data Output signal, then this
output pin will pulse "High" one bit-period prior to the instant that the Transmit Section of the channel (within
the XRT72L52) is processing an overhead bit.
If the TxOHInd[n] output pin is configured to function as the Transmit Payload Data Clock output signal, then
the Transmit Payload Data Output interface block will generate a clock edge via the TxOHInd[n] output pin.
The Local Terminal equipment is expected to output outbound payload data to the Transmit Payload Data Input
Interface block (via the TxSer[n] input pin) upon the falling edge of this clock signal.
In this mode, the TxOHInd output pin will not generate a clock edge, whenever the Transmit Section of the
XRT72L52 is about to process an overhead bit.
Setting this bit-field to “0” configures the TxOHInd[n] output pin to function as the Transmit Overhead Data Out-
put signal. Setting this bit-field to “1” configures the TxOHInd[n] output pin to function as the Transmit Payload
Data Clock output signal.
Bit 4 - Rx PRBS Lock
This Read-Only bit-field indicates whether or not the PRBS Receiver has acquired PRBS Lock (or Pattern
Sync) with the data generated by the PRBS Generator.
If this bit-field is set to “1”, then the PRBS Receiver has acquired PRBS lock with the data generated by the
PRBS Generator. If this bit-field is set to “0”, then the PRBS Receiver has NOT acquired PRBS Lock with the
data generated by the PRBS Generator.
This bit-field is only valid if both the RxPRBS Enable and Tx PRBS Enable bit-fields are both set to “1”.
Bit 3 - Rx PRBS Enable
This Read/Write bit-field permits the user to enable the PRBS Receiver within the channel.
Setting this bit-field to “1” enables the PRBS Receiver. Setting this bit-field to “0” disables the PRBS Receiver.
Bit 2 - Tx PRBS Enable
This Read/Write bit-field permits the user to enable the PRBS Generator within the channel.
Setting this bit-field to “1” enables the PRBS Generator. Setting this bit-field to “0” disables the PRBS Genera-
Receive DS3 Framer Configuration Registers
The default register values shown below are after the operating mode is set to DS3-CBit mode. These are different
from the power-up default values. For DS3-M13 mode, default values for all registers are the same as DS3-C execpt for
Register 0x13 is 0x00 and Register 0x51 is 0x6E or b11100110