Preliminary Rev. 0.96
r N
4.18.3. Signal Generation Tools
TIP/RING dc signal generation. The Si3232
linefeed D/A converter can program a constant
current linefeed from 18–45 mA in 0.87 mA steps
with a ±10% total accuracy. In addition, the open-
circuit TIP/RING voltage can be programmed from 0
to 63 V in 1 V steps. The linefeed circuitry also has
the ability to generate a controlled polarity reversal.
Diagnostics mode ringing generation. The Si3232
can generate an internal low-level ringing signal to
test for the presence of REN without causing the
terminal equipment to ring audibly. This ringing
signal can be either balance or unbalanced
depending on the state of the RINGUNB bit of the
RINGCON register and the amplitude of the battery
supplies present.
4.18.4. Measurement Tools
8-Bit monitor A/D converter. This 8-bit A/D
converter monitors all dc and low-frequency voltage
and current data from TIP to ground and RING to
ground. Two additional values, TIP-RING and
TIP+RING, are calculated and stored in on-chip
registers for analyzing metallic and longitudinal
effects. The A/D operates at an 800 Hz update rate
to allow measurement bandwidth from dc to 400 Hz.
A dual-range capability allows high-voltage/high-
current measurement in the high range but can also
measure lower voltages and currents with a tighter
ACrms, ACPK and dc filter blocks. Several post-
processing filter blocks are provided to allow the
measured parameters to be processed according to
the desired result.
SLIC diagnostics filter
Several post-processing filter blocks are provided for
monitoring PEAK, dc, and ac characteristics of the
Monitor A/D converter outputs as well as values
derived from these outputs. Setting the SDIAG bit in
the DIAG register enables the filters. There are
separate filters for each channel, and their control is
The following parameters can be selected as inputs
to the diagnostic block by setting the SDIAG_IN bits
in the DIAG register to values 0–5 corresponding to
the order below:
VTIP = voltage on the TIP lead
VRI NG = voltage on the RING lead
VLOOP = VTIP–VRING = metallic (loop) voltage
VLONG = (VTIP+VRING)/2 = longitudinal voltage
ILOOP = ITIP–IRING = metallic (loop) current
ILONG = (ITIP+IRING)/2 = longitudinal current
The SLIC diagnostic capability consists of a peak detect
block and two filter blocks, one for dc and one for ac.
Table 32. Summary of Signal Generation and Measurement Tools
Signal Generation Tools
DC Current Generation
18 to 45 mA
0.875 mA
DC Voltage Generation
0 to 63.3 V
1.005 V
Ringing Signal Generation
4 to 15 V
16 to 100 Hz
Measurement Tools
8-Bit DC/Low Frequency
Monitor A/D Converter
High Range:
0 to 160.173 V
628 mV
396.4 A
800 Hz update rate
ACrms, ACPK, and dc post-
processing blocks
Low Range: 0 to 64.07V
0 to 50.54 mA
251 mV
198.2 A
AC Low-pass Filter
3 to 400 Hz