UL 60950 3rd Edition (formerly UL 1950, 3rd edition)
2002 Teccor Electronics
Data Book and Design Guide
4 - 23
+1 972-580-7777
Note: Test conditions 2, 3, and 4 do not require the use of a wiring simulator or a secondary
protector simulator. Any secondary protection simulators used in Tests 1 and 5
should be similar to the test fuse used in UL 497A, “Standard for Secondary
Protectors for Communications Circuits.”
Overvoltage Test Compliance
Equipment is deemed compliant if each of the following conditions are met during test:
Absence of ignition or charring of the cheesecloth indicator
(Charring is deemed to have occurred when the threads are reduced to char by a
glowing or flaming condition.)
Wiring simulator does not open during test condition 1 or 5
For test condition 1, presented in Table 4.17, the integral I
t measured with a current
probe is less than 100 A
After completion of the overvoltage tests, equipment must comply with either the Dielectric
Voltage-withstand Test requirements with all components in place or the Leakage Current
Test requirements.
Special Considerations Regarding the
Device and UL 60950
The epoxy used for
devices is UL recognized and the encapsulated body passes
UL 94V-0 requirements for flammability.
The only specific requirements of UL 60950 that pertain to the
device itself are
the impulse test and the mandate that components be UL recognized. All other UL 60950
requirements pertain to the equipment being evaluated.