locks will not be lost. When the reference clock has restarted, the FINE tracking will quickly com-
pensate for any frequency drift during sleep.
There are mainly three factors that decide the accuracy of the f
DFLL. These can be tuned to
obtain maximum accuracy when fine lock is achieved.
FINE resolution: The frequency step between two FINE values. This is relatively smaller for
high output frequencies.
Resolution of the measurement: If the resolution of the measured f
DFLL is low, i.e. the ratio
between CLK_DFLL frequency and CLK_DFLLIF_REF is small, then the DFLLIF might lock
at a frequency that is lower than the targeted frequency. It is recommended to use a
reference clock frequency of 32 KHz or lower to avoid this issue for low target frequencies.
The accuracy of the reference clock.
A interrupt can be generated on a zero-to-one transaction on DFLLnLOCKC, DFLLnLOCKF,
Brown-Out Detection (BOD)
The Brown-Out Detector monitors the VDDCORE supply pin and compares the supply voltage
to the brown-out detection level.
The BOD is disabled by default, and is enabled by writing to the BOD Control field in the BOD
Control Register (BOD.CTRL). This field can also be updated by flash fuses.
The BOD is powered by VDDIO and will not be powered during Shutdown sleep mode.
To prevent unexpected writes to the BOD register due to software bugs, write access to this reg-
ister is protected by a locking mechanism. For details please refer to the UNLOCK register
To prevent further modifications by software, the content of the BOD register can be set as read-
only by writing a one to the Store Final Value bit (BOD.SFV). When this bit is one, software can
not change the BOD register content. This bit is cleared after flash calibration and after a reset
except after a BOD reset.
The brown-out detection level is selected by writing to the BOD Level field in BOD
(BOD.LEVEL). Please refer to the Electrical Characteristics chapter for parametric details.
If the BOD is enabled (BOD.CTRL is one or two) and the supply voltage goes below the detec-
tion level, the Brown-Ou t Dete ction bit in the Power and Clocks Status Register
(PCLKSR.BODDET) is set. This bit is cleared when the supply voltage goes above the detection
level. An interrupt request will be generated on a zero-to-one transition on PCLKSR.BODDET if
the Brown-Out Detection bit in the Interrupt Mask Register (IMR.BODDET) is set. This bit is set
by writing a one to the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Enable Register (IER.BODDET).
If BOD.CTRL is one, a BOD reset will be generated when the supply voltage goes below the
detection level. If BOD.CTRL is two, the device will not be reset.
Writing a one to the BOD Hysteresis bit in BOD (BOD.HYST) will add a hysteresis on the BOD
detection level.