CHMODE: Channel Mode
MSBF/CPOL: Bit Order or SPI Clock Polarity
– If USART does not operate in SPI Mode (USART_MODE
≠ 0xE and 0xF):
MSBF = 0: Least Significant Bit is sent/received first.
MSBF = 1: Most Significant Bit is sent/received first.
– If USART operates in SPI Mode (Slave or Master, USART_MODE = 0xE or 0xF):
CPOL = 0: The inactive state value of SPCK is logic level zero.
CPOL = 1: The inactive state value of SPCK is logic level one.
CPOL is used to determine the inactive state value of the serial clock (SPCK). It is used with CPHA to produce the required
clock/data relationship between master and slave devices.
MODE9: 9-bit Character Length
0: CHRL defines character length.
1: 9-bit character length.
CLKO: Clock Output Select
0: The USART does not drive the SCK pin.
1: The USART drives the SCK pin if USCLKS does not select the external clock SCK.
OVER: Oversampling Mode
0: 16x Oversampling.
1: 8x Oversampling.
INACK: Inhibit Non Acknowledge
0: The NACK is generated.
1: The NACK is not generated.
DSNACK: Disable Successive NACK
0: NACK is sent on the ISO line as soon as a parity error occurs in the received character (unless INACK is set).
1: Successive parity errors are counted up to the value specified in the MAX_ITERATION field. These parity errors gener-
ate a NACK on the ISO line. As soon as this value is reached, no additional NACK is sent on the ISO line. The flag
ITERATION is asserted.
VAR_SYNC: Variable Synchronization of Command/Data Sync Start Frame Delimiter
0: User defined configuration of command or data sync field depending on SYNC value.
1: The sync field is updated when a character is written into US_THR register.
Mode Description
Normal Mode
Automatic Echo. Receiver input is connected to the TXD pin.
Local Loopback. Transmitter output is connected to the Receiver Input.
Remote Loopback. RXD pin is internally connected to the TXD pin.