41. Touch Screen ADC Controller (TSADCC)
The Touch Screen ADC Controller is based on a Successive Approximation Register (SAR) 10-
bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). It also integrates:
a 8-to-1 analog multiplexer for analog-to-digital conversions of up to 8 analog lines
4 power switches that measure both axis positions on the resistive touch screen panel
1 additional power switch and an embedded resistor that detects pen-interrupt and pen loss
The conversions extend from 0V to TSADVREF.
The TSADCC supports an 8-bit or 10-bit resolution mode, and conversion results are reported in
a common register for all channels, as well as in a channel-dedicated register.
Conversions can be started for all enabled channels, either by a software trigger, by detection of
a rising edge on the external trigger pin TSADTRG or by an integrated programmable timer.
When the Touch Screen is enabled, a timer-triggered sequencer automatically configures the
power switches, performs the conversions and stores the results in dedicated registers.
The TSADCC also integrates a Sleep Mode and a Pen-Detect Mode and connects with one
PDC channel. These features reduce both power consumption and processor intervention.
The TSADCC timings, like the Startup Time and Sample and Hold Time, are fully configurable.
Embedded Characteristics
8-channel ADC
Support 4-wire resistive Touch Screen
10-bit 384 Ksamples/sec. Successive Approximation Register ADC
-3/+3 LSB Integral Non Linearity, -2/+2 LSB Differential Non Linearity
Integrated 8-to-1 multiplexer, offering eight independent 3.3V analog inputs
External voltage reference for better accuracy on low voltage inputs
Individual enable and disable of each channel
Multiple trigger sources
– Hardware or software trigger
– External trigger pin
Sleep Mode and conversion sequencer
– Automatic wakeup on trigger and back to sleep mode after conversions of all
enabled channels